Next time they knock on your door ask then this question. You want to buy a new car and you go into a new car dealership. As soon a you go in the salesman put a gun to your head and says it you do not buy a car I will blow your brain out and kill you. Ask then what they think of the car salesman and I do not think it will be pretty. Then say to the JW are you not just like the car salesman saying that if I do not become a JW you will kill me at the Big "A". See what they have to say.
Question to ask them
by is there help out there 5 Replies latest jw friends
Good question -- I like it.
In legal terms, this is called 'duress' -- where a person is prevented from acting or not acting according to their own free will by the force or threat of another.
I don't believe that God and jesus want ANYONE coming to them in "duress", faith based on recompense is no faith at all.
They will tell you that it's not them threatening you, but God. And it's because he LOOOOOVES you. Why this is seen as a valid rationalization, I have no idea.
The JWs make a point of "Christendom" frightening people with the threat of Hellfire.
Yet ignore their own threat that if you are not a JW, or even a JW who messes up, you are going to die in the fire of Armageddon.
Definitely Armageddon is to keep JWs in line. Then they add a global paradise to sugar coat the worldwide disaster. If it is Hellfire or Armageddon it is suppose to comfort the heart that the unbelievers will be destroyed.