Are disfellowshipped people still considered a Jehovah's Witness

by I quit! 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I guess it is obvious if someone is df'd for going to another church but what about those who still believe in it but have been df'd for something like adultry or smoking are they still considered Jdubs?

  • mraimondi


    they explicitly state from the platform (at least since, 2003?)

    so and so is NOT a jehovahs witness.

    however, even though you ARENT a JW, somehow they still feel it nessecary to keep files on you, and keep tabs on you.

    its cloudy, imo.

  • poppers

    they explicitly state from the platform (at least since, 2003?)

    so and so is NOT a jehovahs witness.

    Well isn't that interesting. Even though you are no longer a witness they have the duty to shun you. Seems to me if you're not a witness then what right do they have to shun? Looks like a pretty big loophole there.

  • Satanus

    I think that they are. They fall into the category og dffed jw. I say this, because the dffed person is expected by the wt org to act in a certain way and follower certain standards set by the wt org. Also, they are not treated as a regular 'worldly', nonjw person is treated. Thus, by playing a governing role over dffed ones, the wt has placed them within the confines of their org, albeit in a separate, special category. They are not free, according to wt govt views.


  • blondie

    *** w81 7/15 p. 28 A Prisoner’s Prayer Is Answered ***We discovered that the individual who had been preaching in my compound was no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, but had been disfellowshiped before the war. This information provoked a crisis in our little group.

    Long before the new change in df announcement, df'd (and da'd) were not considered jws any more. As to inactive jws, it varies, but they aren't counted in the numbers.

  • mraimondi

    its messed up. you arent a witness, but yet you are.

  • sir82
    Looks like a pretty big loophole there.

    Yeah, it's an enormous loophole, since the one (one!) scripture which describes anything vaguely like the modern day practice of disfellowshipping, 1 Corinthians 5, reads something like this:

    "Quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother who is a fornicator...etc."

    Well, once they are disfellowshipped, guess what? They are no longer called a brother!

    Gosh, kind of makes you think maybe Paul had something else in mind when he wrote that, something different than full shunning after an announcement from a platform, doesn't it? Nahh, that couldn't be it! The "faithful and discreet slave" would never purposely miscontrue scripture for their own benefit, would they?

  • OnTheWayOut

    DF'ed and DA'ed JW's are considered dead to the religion, but when they actually die, a relative will often get some elder to talk about the beliefs they held and the hope of seeing them in Paradise.

    The JW's will try to ease their mind that they still believed the lies, even when they often did not. They can still go to Paradise because they died before Armageddon. Heck, we all are going to die before Armageddon.

    If they were notoriously anti-JW, no JW would ever attend their funeral or pretend they still believed.


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