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How do I know which one of my friends on facebook is looking at my fb page?
by asilentone 7 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
ask? is not the answer that I am looking for.
John Doe
In my case, I just look and see who's online. Since all they do is browse my page, I know they're looking at my page whenever they're on.
To my knowledge, there is no way to know who is checking out your facebook page. Obviously, you can control how much friends / non-friends can see, but you can actually know who is looking at them. If it were on a site where you could link to pictures in your html, you could run a counter on that, but still not a name or anything like that. You could probably grab their i.p. address though. As it is, pictures are uploaded and hosted by their site, so you can't even run a counter on that. I'm think you might be able to make an app (if your a programmer) that could collect that data, but generally sharing any information with an application requires your consent and I doubt that most people who looked at your page would add that app so it leads to another dead end. Good luck with it, and if you find something, let me know please :)
In my case, I just look and see who's online. Since all they do is browse my page, I know they're looking at my page whenever they're on.
What if they have their status set to show they're always offline?
> How do I know which one of my friends on facebook is looking at my fb page?
When you post on a public website you loose control over knowing such things. If you are not comfortable with not knowing and controlling everything online, I suggest you close your facebook account.
Another option is to setup security groups and place persons of interest in those groups. Then restrict what people in that group can and cannot see on your page. This way you know those people are not capable of seeing the restricted information.
Facebook will remove any web tracking program you try so there is no way of knowing who looks at your profile.
There are web trackers for Myspace but they do not identify anyone who sets their profile to private.