I'm not one for Christmas music generally. Mrs Thirdson has been playing various CDs at home and in my car when we are together and I appreciate some of the music but at this time of year I tend to hear too much. Of course growing up I despised Christmas music because it was either pagan or just too commercialized.
Today I was deeply moved by James Taylor's melancholy version of the oft recorded song of this title. I thought it captures the mood of so many people today and especially of those who have lost loved ones in the tragic events of this year. I heard it played on National Public Radio this morning while driving to work. At work I went to the NPR web site and listened to the recording again (several times actually). I couldn't possibly count the number of times I have heard that song but today was the first time I listened.
The song will be released on an album next April but if you want to listen to "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" you can via a RealPlayer at this link, or via the main site should this not work.
{ http://www.npr.org/programs/morning/features/2001/dec/james_taylor/011219.james_taylor.html
(Mrs Thirdson thinks it very strange that I like sad songs the most (sad movies too.)) Since leaving the JWs I have experienced so much for the first time and this is just one example of discovering a classic for the first time.
I hope you enjoy this version as much as this sentimental fool.