Congregation "Bible Study" Comments - Week Commencing 13 July 2009

by LUKEWARM 8 Replies latest jw friends



    *** lv chap. 7 pp. 77-82 Do You Value Life as God Does? ***


    Q10,11. (a) How do Jehovah's Witnesses view the transfusion of whole blood and primary blood components? (b) In what areas regarding blood might Christians have differing opinions?10 Jehovah's Witnesses recognize that "abstaining from...blood" means not accepting blood transfusions and not donating or storing their own blood for transfusion. Out of respect for God's law, they also do not accept the four primary components of blood: red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma.

    The prohibition in the Bible deal's with the eating of animal flesh with its blood, so how is it that "abstaining from...blood" is interpreted to mean not accepting blood transfusions"??

    "not donating or storing"- but they are happy to accept the fractions derived from DONATED and STORED blood!

    So the WTS only believes "red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma" are blood? Where is that in the Bible??

    11 Today, through further processing, these components are often broken down into fractions that are used in a variety of ways. Could a Christian accept such fractions? Does he view them as "blood"? Each one must personally decide on this matter. The same applies to such medical procedures as hemodialysis, hemodilution, and cell salvage involving one's own blood, provided that it has not been stored.-See the Appendix, pages 215-18.

    "Each one must personally decide on this matter" Why should the whole blood issue not be a conscience matter? Why does the WTS take it upon itself to enforce its conscience on others?

    This was not a conscience matter only a few decades ago. To see the timeline of WTS changes and the hypocrisy of the current "abstain from blood" policy (as the approved fractions add up to 100% of blood) see this:

    This was news to me re cell salvage:

    Q12. How should we view and handle matters of conscience?12 Are matters for personal decision of little importance to Jehovah? No, for he is keenly interested in our thoughts and motivations. (Proverbs 17:3; 21:2; 24:12) So after doing prayerful research on a medical product or procedure, we should heed our Bible-trained conscience. (Romans 14:2, 22, 23) Of course, others should not impose their conscience on us, nor should we ask, "What would you do if you were in my situation?" In such matters, each Christian should "carry his own load."-Galatians 6:5; Romans 14:12; see the box "Do I View Blood as Sacred?" on page 81.

    Principle: "Abstain from...blood."-Acts 15:20.

    Some questions to ask yourself

    - How would I describe the difference between the four primary components of blood and blood fractions?

    - Why should I decide for myself whether I will accept or reject blood fractions or certain medical procedures involving the use of my own blood?-Romans 12:2; Galatians 6:5.

    - How would I explain to my physician why I accept or reject the use of blood fractions?-Proverbs 13:16.

    Any lurkers out there should do as the WTS suggests here and do "...prayerful research on a medical product or procedure" starting with the whole blood policy - this list may help:

    Jensen blood letters (an elder corresponding with the WTS over 5 years on the blood issue) towards the bottom of this page

    A chapter Ray Franz wrote in his second book:

    Letter written by our very own Vinny:


    Q13. What do Jehovah's laws and principles reveal about him? Illustrate.13 The laws and principles found in the Bible reveal Jehovah to be both a wise Legislator and a loving Father who deeply cares about the welfare of his children. (Psalm 19:7-11) Although the command to "abstain from...blood" was not given as a health regulation, it does shield us from complications related to blood transfusions. (Acts 15:20) In fact, many in the medical field rate bloodless surgery as the "gold standard" of modern medical care. To true Christians, such developments simply confirm Jehovah's unfathomable wisdom and fatherly love.-Isaiah 55:9; John 14:21, 23.

    "many in the medical field" - Why not quote them so we can see the context of their comments?

    I found this to be a good discussion of the matter between all the stakeholders:

    Q14, 15. (a)God's love for his people was reflected in what laws? (b)How can you apply the principles behind these safety regulations?14 God's concern for the welfare of his people in ancient Israel was reflected in many of his laws. For example, he required that Israelite houses have a parapet around the roof to prevent accidents, since roofs were places of considerable activity. (Deuteronomy 22:8; 1 Samuel 9:25, 26; Nehemiah 8:16; Acts 10:9) God also commanded that dangerous bulls be kept under guard. (Exodus 21:28, 29) To ignore these requirements showed a gross lack of respect for the welfare of others and could have resulted in bloodguilt.

    15 How can you apply the principles underlying these laws? Why not think about your vehicle, your driving habits, your animals, your home, your place of work, and your choice of recreation? In some lands, accidents are the leading cause of death among the young, often because they take needless risks. However, young ones who want to remain in God's love value life and do not seek excitement in dangerous activities. They do not foolishly think that youth spells invulnerability. Rather, they enjoy their youth by warding off needless calamity.-Ecclesiastes 11:9, 10.

    Q16. What Bible principle applies to abortion? (See also footnote.)16 Even the life of the unborn is precious in God's eyes. In ancient Israel, if someone harmed a pregnant woman and either she or her baby died as a result, God considered the guilty party a manslayer, and he had to pay "soul for soul." (Exodus 21:22, 23) Imagine, then, how Jehovah must feel when he sees countless unborn babies deliberately aborted each year, many sacrificed on the altars of expediency and sexual liberation.

    FOOTNOTE: Bible lexicographers state that the wording of the Hebrew text "apparently renders it impracticable to refer the words to injury done to the woman alone." Note, too, that the Bible says nothing about the age of the embryo or fetus being a factor in Jehovah's judgment.

    Which Bible lexicographers?


    Q17. How would you comfort someone who had an abortion prior to learning about God's standards?17 What, though, about a woman who had an abortion prior to coming to a knowledge of Bible truth? Is she beyond God's mercy? Not at all! In fact, a truly repentant person can count on Jehovah's forgiveness based on Jesus' shed blood. (Psalm 103:8-14; Ephesians 1:7) Indeed, Christ himself said: "I have come to call, not righteous persons, but sinners to repentance."-Luke 5:32.

    If Jesus came for sinners, why does the WTS despise them so much?


    Q18. How does the Bible address the underlying cause of much bloodshed?18 Beyond our simply not harming others, Jehovah wants us to root out of our heart the very cause of much bloodshed-hatred. "Everyone who hates his brother is a manslayer [or, murderer]," wrote the apostle John. (1 John 3:15) Such a person does not merely dislike his brother but wishes him dead. His enmity may surface in the form of vicious slander or false accusations that if true would merit divine judgment. (Leviticus 19:16; Deuteronomy 19:18-21; Matthew 5:22) How important, then, that we work at ridding our hearts of any ill will that may lodge there!-James 1:14, 15; 4:1-3.

    Why doesn't the WTS lead by example when it comes to spreading "vicious slander or false accusations"? Here is an example of it not confronting issues its opponents raise; rather it resorts to printing this slander:

    Wt 15/04/09 p3-7 par15
    Satan was the first creature to turn apostate. Modern-day apostates display characteristics similar to those of the Devil. Their mind may be poisoned by a critical attitude toward individuals in the congregations, Christian elders, or the Governing Body. Some apostates oppose the use of the divine name, Jehovah. They are not interested in learning about Jehovah or in serving him. Like their father, Satan, apostates target people of integrity. (John 8:44) No wonder servants of Jehovah avoid all contact with them!--2 John 10, 11.

    Q19. How does a person who is governed by Bible principles view such texts as Psalm 11:5 and Philippians 4:8, 9?19 Those who value life as Jehovah does and who want to keep themselves in his love also avoid violence in all its forms. Says Psalm 11:5: "Anyone loving violence [Jehovah's] soul certainly hates." That text is more than a statement about God's personality; it is a guiding principle for life. It moves lovers of God to avoid any form of entertainment that may foster a taste for violence. Likewise, the statement that Jehovah is "the God of peace" impels his servants to fill their minds and hearts with lovable, virtuous, and praiseworthy things, which make for peace.-Philippians 4:8, 9.

  • QuestioningEverything

    Good review! Reading this WTBS crap makes me sick to my stomach. Thank goodness i am no longer a part of this religion!!!

  • insearchoftruth
    It moves lovers of God to avoid any form of entertainment that may foster a taste for violence.

    I am betting that this statement will start to change my wife's view on the son participating in karate........I can hear it already.....

  • WTWizard

    Avoid hurtful thinking? What about the thinking that deprives children of needed sleep on school nights by forcing them to sit through a boasting session that lasts way past their bedtimes? What about the thinking that forces children to waste their whole vacation time from school (every vacation, the whole thing) on field circus? What about the thinking that requires children to tell their classmates the cancer, at the expense of getting shunned by the whole class (and often picked on and beaten)? Sitting through a 2-hour boasting session? Missing out on college and extra-curricular events (including class field trips at times)?

    At root of all this is envy. A few old fogeys are envious of young people for their youth, and therefore they long to take it away from them. They do that by forcing them to waste all their time, by taking all their fun away from them, and by setting them up for poverty and stagnation. And, these old fogeys set up a scam that traps parents, and then traps the children under threat of getting their families taken from them (and graphic depictions of death and destruction--hating violence?). Michael Jackson and Danny Haszard are both examples of what can happen under these conditions--in fact, anyone that grows up in the cancer is bound to have various degrees of negative effects, whether they show it or not.

  • passwordprotected

    Good work, as always. Please keep it up.

  • insearchoftruth

    Forgot to say thanks!!!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thanks Lukewarm, good comments!

    Just some thoughts on something from the "Bible" Study and Bible Reading from last week (both including Leviticus 17), and your comments this week:

    The prohibition in the Bible deal's with the eating of animal flesh with its blood, so how is it that "abstaining from...blood" is interpreted to mean not accepting blood transfusions"??

    Last week's Bible reading included:

    (Leviticus 17:10) 10 “‘As for any man of the house of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst who eats any sort of blood, I shall certainly set my face against the soul that is eating the blood, and I shall indeed cut him off from among his people.

    (Leviticus 17:13-14) 13 “‘As for any man of the sons of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst who in hunting catches a wild beast or a fowl that may be eaten, he must in that case pour its blood out and cover it with dust. 14 For the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood by the soul in it. Consequently I said to the sons of Israel: “YOU must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood. Anyone eating it will be cut off.”

    Okay, that's clear enough that everything must be bled or the eater will die... or will he?...

    (Leviticus 17:15-16) 15 As for any soul that eats a body [already] dead or something torn by a wild beast, whether a native or an alien resident, he must in that case wash his garments and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening; and he must be clean. 16 But if he will not wash them and will not bathe his flesh, he must then answer for his error.’”

    Obviously, something found already dead or killed by a wild animal was not "properly bled". Will the eater die? Nope, just take a bath and you're good to go. Botchtower explains somewhere that this would be someone "accidentally" eatting something unbled. And how does that happen? Dude is walking along the road, trips, and falls face-first into a dead cow and "accidentally" swallows it? Nope. Clearly it's just another regulation saying, "Don't make a meal of blood." "Drain the blood from a butchered animal as a sacred representation of the animal's life." "If one of your cows was killed by a wild animal, eat what's left. No need to waste good beef. Have a bath later and it's fine." "In case someone is really hungry, they can eat something already dead, but you're not spiritually clean."

    To me, the prohibition seems to be two things regarding blood: Don't make a meal of blood from a dead animal. When butchering, drain the blood as something sacred. However, no need to go overboard if it means going hungry or financial loss for the family.

    Neither of those points apply to medical blood transfusion. Donor is still alive and blood is not "eaten".

    How's this for an illustration?
    "Eating" is very different from "medical implant". When it comes to eating, Health Department regulations specify that pork is to be cooked to something like 160F for a minute before it is considered safe to eat... but is that expected when it's a heart valve transplant from a pig to a human? Obviously not. There are an entirely different set of rules when it comes to healthcare and chemical prep for the tissue. Ah, but wouldn't a dublike fascination with legalistic mumbo-jumbo first require that the valve be deep-fried or baked before being used in the operation? It would be the same as eating, right? So cook it, then transplant it!

    Sorry Botchtower, your fascination with ancient Jewish butchering regulation has no place in the ER.

    Certainly, I do agree that blood transfusion is best avoided whenever possible. It should be considered with the same seriousness as a transplant. But in cases of trauma or other life-threatening situations and health conditions, transfusions save lives.

    And unless it would cause death, blood donations shouldn't be prohibited. "The life is in the blood" only applies when one is dead. Simple as that.

    B the X


    And unless it would cause death, blood donations shouldn't be prohibited. "The life is in the blood" only applies when one is dead. Simple as that.

    Well said Billy!

  • chickpea

    knowing how difficult this
    process has to be for the
    contributor, i am deeply
    grateful for your willingness
    to take the bullet for the team!!

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