If this is actually made, then I guess it will raise some eyebrows. Yes, this is the coin that was shown off at the G8 summit.
Global Currency, what is the JW stance on it?
by A-Team 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Psychotic Parrot
I don't suppose they'll see it as any different to present currencies.
well u can kiss all the money you have stuffed in the mattress goodbye if a new world currency takes effect.....
this was batted about a few years ago also..
We need to remember, pretty much anything of significance has already happened, according to the WTBTS. That's why they don't have anything to say about the New World Order (other than removing it from their song book), the one-world currency, 9/11's attacks of the Nation of Islam.
This was created by a guy trying to bring awareness to how easily the government could enact something. Of course like any thing on the interwebz it slowly spiraled out of control and some idiots claimed it was actually happening. Not calling anyone here an idiot, but yea it will NEVER happen in our lifetime.
Sorry Proner but thats not true heres the news report about the russian president showing off the global currency coin and this was also spoken about just after the g20 summit in london by the head of the imf.He said we will have a global currency http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/currency/5796892/Russian-President-Dmitry-Medvedev-pulls-new-world-currency-from-his-pocket.html.
The pope has also this past week called for a "global authority" and to give the united nations "real teeth" to take over the financial and political world
Interesting...I note though that the suggestion is as a "reserve currency" not a general one to use daily.
Judging by the difficulty in getting a Pan European currency accepted, I think we could have a long way to go....I doubt if the WT has any comment on this. They are a bit more cautious these days
The WTS will take money in whatever form it can get its grubby, blood-stained hands on.
Well I am very pissed to see that there are no northern conifer leaves on that coin.
The boreal forest is like the biggest f-ing biome. Hello?
Well, they will start insisting on filling the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund with those coins. Rather, I would suggest printing up plastic coins with zero face value, a few apostate messages, and that are about the size of the silver dollar (and stuffing the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund boxes with those zero-value coins).