Holy videogames, Batman!

by JimmyPage 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage

    I was in Toys R Us today and happened to see what looks like the greatest videogame ever. I was blown away. It's called "Batman: Arkham Asylum" and the version I saw was for PS3 (which I don't have but may now have to obtain). I can remember when the coin-op Space Invaders first appeared at the local Wal-Mart. Things sure have come a long way. (But I still enjoy Space Invaders!) Here's a sample pic from the Batman game, not actually due out until August:

    Sorry if I sound like I'm plugging a product but I was really impressed! (I grew up on the Adam West reruns, loved the Michael Keaton version, and am a big fan of the current Christian Bale films too. So I guess I'm biased.)

    Having kids forces you back into toy stores- and I have no objections!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I've been playing a game called Call of Duty this week, and I'm blown away by the graphics and how far gaming has come in the past two decades.

  • JerkhovahsWitless

    JimmyPage - I've been watching the progress of that game for a few months. It looks like it's going to be really good. You might be interested in some of these videos: http://www.gametrailers.com/game/batman-arkham-asylum/10111

    John Doe

    I've been playing a game called Call of Duty this week, and I'm blown away by the graphics and how far gaming has come in the past two decades.

    Which COD? I've been into that series since it came out. This month I've played COD Modern Warefare and World at War at a LAN party. It was a lot of fun playing in the same room with friends. Espeically the zombie mode in World at War.

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    It is pretty amazing! I was shopping for a gaming system a little over a year ago for Hubby. I thought the PS3 was pretty neat. But the price...yikes! I went with the Wii because he really wanted something geared toward playing with our young kids...they had the most games for that, in my opinion.

    Is it just me, or seeing you were an Adam West fan, don't the graphics for the part of Batman's face look a lot like West's? I'm going off memory as a kid, but it looks to me like they modeled it after him. Maybe that's part of the draw! And part of the fun!

    Toys R Us...I don't want to grow up, I'm a toys r us kid! There's a million things at toys r us that I can play with. I don't want to grow, but even if I did, I'd want to be a toys r us kid...More games, more toys, Oh Boy! I want to be a toys r us kid! (Therefore, no shame in shopping there! Sometimes I think I get more excited than the kids when we go in!)

  • MissingLink

    This game does looks like it's going to be pretty awesome. It'll be available for XBox 360.

  • BabaYaga


    By the way... you're really dating yourself with that Space Invaders reference, JimmyP. HA!

  • Mastodon

    I'm anxiously awaiting that game. But if you think that game is awesome, wait 'till God of War 3 comes out.

    I have COD 4: Modern Warfare (ps3) and World at War (xbox)... I prefere Modern Warfare the best. Modern Warfare 2 is coming soon and it promises to be a lot better than the first.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Which COD?

    4, Modern Warfare. It came free with the video card I bought.

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