Just re-read my post, Please ignore, Not ready for a whipping. FF
by FreeFallin 6 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Free: I just read and commented to your post about the Elders visiting you. I did not see where anyone was "whipping" you, but each offers comments, opinions, caution, and concern from their own hearts and experiences. Rather than a 'whipping, it is more of kindly effort to present the different facets of the situation as some understand it, and to offer you helpful comments.
One of the things I have learned in my life on the Internet is to not read 'emotions' into people's comments. Because the written word is devoid of body language, tone of voice, and many other subtle communication input, it becomes very easy to read into a post an emotion that is not the intent of feeling of the poster.
And even when a post is obviously filled with anger and rancor, it is good to try and look past that part and see what the real problems is, and try not to take it personally.
Admittedly, the above is hard to do, and at times, I have failed to correctly understand a comment made to me, and I have reacted strongly and sounded off. Just part of the human experience.
A good technique I have found useful is when I see a post that strikes me as 'difficult', I read it again several times, and change tones of voice, from anger to sarcasm, to humor, to sincereity, to caring and love. I find that when I do this, a post that at first was rather obnoxious can take on a whole new meaning, and I will eventually understand the poster's point. At times, if I am still confused, I respond with questions to try and sort out what I have read. Sometimes, some people are plain obnoxious, and so I ignore most, but sometimes, will sound off back at them.
Communication is a tenuous task, filled with many pitfalls, and it is a miracle that so many unique individuals communicate as well as we do. It is the successful writer who manages to convey his/her message with clarity, and hold the interest of the majority.
Dear Amazing
I sent that message before any came in. I was stunned by the outpouring of concern and love. I'm printing out every answer I got to re-read and meditate on.
FF -
Freefallin, I have found in the past (especially here) that many of our experiences are so closely tied that when a person reads about someone else musing to themselves about going back that it creates almsot a panic within themselves. I think many of us have sometimes briefly wondered to ourselves whether we could just swallow what we know and return to somewhere where it might be a bit easier. I think most of us in the end reject that, so when we see someone wondering the same things we go off a bit. I'm sure noone meant anything if they were a bit overzealous.
Hi Naeblis: Excellent point! I find that even though I have been away from the JWs for 9 years, and formally DA'd for 6 years, I still at times go through the reactions you mention ... though it is getting fainter, and fading with time, I still get a funny feeling in my gut when I see someone have doubts, and think about returning to the JWs, or as Peter said, "It has happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog turning to his own vomit again, and the sow that had washed to wallowing in the mire." - 2 Peter 2:22 I remember using those words against JWs who left the organization to go back into the world ... and now, somehow, those words seem far more fitting were one to return to a cult like the JWs. Thanks again for this great point. - Amazing
Hey Freefall,
I'd just like to add my $0.02 worth and encourage you. I left the clutches of the JW's just before my 15th birthday and so have had some time to flush the brainwashing out of my system, but I sure do remember the anxiety and worry I went through for a few years. (kinda like quiting smoking) Luckily life has been great for me and I can assure you there are many organizations of people that are kind and loving to their membership AND they perform acts of love and kindness to those outside there membership. The Witnesses are one of the few that dwell in the cave of denial and refuse to acknowledge love in its truest form.
If you are interested in what others may have to say about the condition of the world and how we got there you might do a Google search on "Century of Light" and give it a read. You might just enjoy a different paradigm.
Hi Freefall,
The emotions you are expressing in your posts maybe painful for you,
but through such emotions you can begin to grow and see what's really around you. Just because someone with good intentions lovingly talks with you, keep your head on and listen not with emtions but with reason. Search your Bible and see what's really there and what you believe in. Don't be swayed by the emtions of other, but look at the facts. There have been plenty of good responses for you to ponder over. Take time to let them sink in. Just my 2 cents. j2bf