Things you wouldn't admit to when you were a JW

by startingover 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • startingover

    Remember when the speaker from another congregation didn't show up? I can still feel the good feeling it gave me at the thought of being able to go home early. And all through the WT, every time the door opened I remember subtlely sneaking a peak to see if it was the speaker, and when it was just a latecomer, it kept my hopes up that he wouldn't show. But then the big dissappointment when the WT was over and it was announced that Brother Zealous Pioneer Elder dug an outline out of his bag. But I would never have admitted feeling like that, especially to a non JW.

    Think of anything else?

  • startingovernow

    When I was unprepared or knew I might be at the door of someone who might ask me a question I didn't know, I was glad no one answered.

    The few times it snowed so badly there was no meeting, I was glad I didn't have to go out.

    When I wasn't put in a certain person's car group, I was secretly glad.

    When I had to move to another city for job reasons, I was glad I didn't have to go to the same congregation anymore.

  • lancelink

    pretending to ring doorbells, while looking zealous for the ministry was my favorite thing.

  • Casper

    I would never admit that -

    "What ever is out there" please forgive me, but I was glad when one of my little ones came down with a "minor" temperature or had a cold, it meant... NO MEETING for us... !! (that is so unbelievably awful of me, but shows how bad I hated being there).

    I was thrilled beyond belief when it snowed too much, or an ice storm hit.

    I never, ever went to a Convention or Assembly for the "Right" reason... I was there to socialize, work in the food dept. or just get away from the normal JW routine.

    I loved it when out in service, someone's "Call" would run overtime and we'd have to head back to the KH, without finishing the street, etc...

    I never thought the shunning practices were right, and that I never shunned anyone.


    I myself, would almost do a "Happy Dance" if the speaker didn't show up... happened only once or twice for us.


  • Farkel

    :But then the big dissappointment when the WT was over and it was announced that Brother Zealous Pioneer Elder dug an outline out of his bag.

    Hey! That was me who covered hour talks when visiting speakers didn't show up! Then again, I also wished I hadn't showed up, either.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I guess we were more open that you startingover. I know that me, my wife, and her family would usually show a little bit of happiness (albeit sarcastic so as not to be to forthcoming about our joy).

  • Pandoras cat11
    Pandoras cat11

    I was happy when my hubby had to work late and I didn't have to go. My kids are a year apart and a few times I was stupid enough to go thinking he would show up late and be there with me. (Yeah right) Never did that again!! How about when the people went on vacation where you attended the bookstudy? They encouraged you to go to the hall or divided everyone up to other homes. It was a great excuse not to go.

  • HintOfLime

    I would never admit that I'd rather watch Garfield and PeeWee's Playhouse than go out in field service.

    I would never admit that I shot a bb-gun at a friend's house.

    I would never admit I was at the neighbor's house playing Super Mario Bros 2.

    I would never admit that I wasn't just 'killing robots with my friend' when we played Descent 2 via modem every day after school.

    I would never admit that other people on the "TI calculator forum" on CompuServe were occationally uploading pictures of naked women.

    I would never admit that evolution made a lot of sense to me, having implemented a few fractal algorithms on my computer.

    I would never admit I'd rather fall in love than go to bethel.

    - Lime

  • WTWizard

    I always hoped we would get a blizzard and that the boasting session would be cancelled for snow, or that no one would show up for field circus. I also hoped for every disruption to prevent us from having to do more actual work that was work--or that the day in field circus would be cut short (which those cockroaches made sure would almost never happen, since they knew how to drag that last call so we would be out late after making me hope for a cut-short).

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