- I found this information about how we may be viewed as ex JW members as to our credibility on the things we say about the WT. I found it a little worrying to be honest, so I thought I would take a long, hard look at myself.
Academics debate as to the reliability of the testimonies of critical former members (apostates). Some scholars challenge the reliability of apostates' testimony. For example Bryan R. Wilson, a professor of sociology at Oxford University, in a collection of essays [10] he edited in 1981, writes that apostates from new religious movements generally stand in need of self-justification, seeking to reconstruct their own past and to excuse their former affiliations, while blaming their former closest associates. Wilson introduces the concept of the atrocity story (compare the "atrocity tale" of Bromley, Shupe and Centimiglia, (1979) [11] ) that apostates rehearse in order to explain how, by manipulation, coercion or deceit, the group that they now condemn recruited them.
Other academics find such testimonies of former members generally reliable. For example, Benjamin Zablocki, a professor of sociology at Rutgers University, when analyzing leaver responses, found the testimonies of former members as least as reliable as statements from the groups themselves.[12] Reliability of the testimony of critical ex-members (apostates)
The article talks about self-justification; a rehearsed atrocity tale and blame, to excuse ourselves. It goes on to say that other academics find the testimonies of former members reliable.
I kind of did a moral inventory on myself after reading this and have to be honest and say that I have been guilty of anger and resentment towards the WT many times since I decided to leave. I have found it hard at times not to vent these feelings on unsuspecting JW's but have not succumbed as yet. However, I never felt the need to justify or excuse my reasons for leaving at the expense of others. The truth is that when I realised I was in a deceptive cult, that was all the reason I needed to leave.
Like many of us here, I was faced with an intolerable situation - the loss of loved ones or living a lie! I chose to leave and the repercussions have been devastating enough without having to invent anything more.
As far as I am aware, all the information about the WT that I have researched is correct and my testimony is not exaggerated.
How do you all feel about this issue? I would be grateful to hear your views.