That out of the billions of people here on Earth god "speaks" to people who are not only in the same country, not only in the same state, not only in the same city, not only in the same building, but all hold high positions within said building? I mean I'm sure he's not speaking to the mailroom guy or the literature assembly line guy. NO! He speaks to the ones who hold office within this company.
This is what I said to my aunt, and her reply? "Well they're annointed...."
I fire back "Who says they are?"
I forgot how we ended up here but initally I started out asking about why it was necessary to announce to the cong that X person is "no longer a witness". I told her that the only reason for doing so would be to justify what their actions would be from that point forward. To ignore and shun because the dubs have labeled them worldly and bad association. This was 2 weeks ago. Now last week in a talk, a dub was talking about maturity levels and said something to the effect that it would be embarassing for a boss to repremand someone publicly and it shows a lack of maturity. IMMEDIATELY I go WTF! in my mind, as the witnesses do this all the time when it comes to DF ones. They also make a big deal out of spirirtual maturity and use the analogy of a baby and milk. How time goes on and after a while the baby moves on to more solid food and we should be the same way progressing further in the truth. Again I go "bloody hell" in my mind because it seems to be that dubs are the MOST formula addicted babies I've ever seen in my life. How long have they been toting that "these are the last days" and "keep on the watch"? far back as I can remember. (sidebar: Actually, being prepared for the "coming armeggedon" negates the whole "coming as a thief in the night" thing. If one is prepared, how then, can it come as a thief?) How many of the same acrticles have been regurgitated in literature? It urks me to no end that even the simplest red flags don't even go off when they present something that if a dub was paying attention could see.