C.O. clarification question

by tresdecu 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tresdecu

    I read on another thread something about C.O.s going down to one visit per year. Is this speculation? ...or has new infor come to light?


  • torre

    The same subject was posted in same Spanish forums and blogs more than a year ago. If true...still to come. At the moment seems to be just speculation/

  • AllTimeJeff

    There is no set rule. Depending on the size of the circuit, some CO's make it every 9 months. And when they do submit their schedules to the branch, they will almost always take into account cong needs, geographical distance, etc.

    I know that some CO's liked going to certain cong more then others. Green handshakes and good meals out always equal twice a year visit. If your idea of hospitality is that 1959 Streamline trailer in your backyard, with cupboards filled with pork rhinds, cream of wheat and water? Count on the sub CO being sent there. The CO will likely be sick that week.

    You laugh as if you think I am joking? Thats no joke with some CO's. Others are more dedicated to be sure, but some won't put themselves through the hell of visiting the "Deliverance" cong if they can at all help it.

  • yknot

    This is still a rumor.

    It once again is wafting in the wind.

    With the new season just around the corner and the annual meeting not to far off either......time will tell.

    I know that my current CO was hinting about retiring after this next assignment after he was tipped off about the bethel layoffs and CO rumors by another KH. Allegedly he was told, excused himself to make a phone call and came back to the table visible shaken and started asking if he would be 'welcomed' there should 'something happen', later he also ask our congregation about jobs possibilities.

  • straightshooter

    This is really an interesting rumor, just like the one about pioneer hour requirements being reduced. Lets see what the GB decides on these issues. Changing the CO arrangement will take adjusting to by these traveling overseers that are so looked up to or despised.

  • AllTimeJeff

    The old rumor about the elimination of CO's really made sense, still does, BUT....

    There is a big time dividend to the GB when it comes to control. The CO's visit still gets the elders popping, and even if attendance is down, morbid curiosity drives many inactive to that weeks meetings. (even posters who are here...)

    Thus, in my view, while I am positive that the GB has considered getting rid of the CO's for $$ reasons, they are probably going to keep them and try to do more with less at some point.

    Once a year visits cut the amount of CO's by half, cut the housing by half, etc. I don't think this would affect DO's, but DO's (currently) have a little more job security then CO's...

    I wouldn't be surprised if this rumor is the the happy medium between the rumors that did away with CO's and doing nothing. They have to try to save money while keeping control....

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