To me, the WTS's erroneous teachings on the "Kingdom" is their most worrying one.
When I looked at the several books I have on the subject, I noticed that my copy of "Your Kingdom Come" by C. Leslie Mitton is badly yellowed and in need of repair. I have owned it for about 30 years and it was not printed on quality paper, so I am not surprised at its condition.
So to preserve it I scanned the book, and I have uploaded it to
The author does not have the WTS in mind, so it is not an attack nor is it biased. Rather, the book is a positive contribution to my understanding of this critically significant subject.
The file is large (sorry) because I had to scan several pages in grey-scale, as I had used a highlighter pen at some places.
If Matthew 24:14 is to be understood eschatologically, and if Jesus meant only those nations known by the disciples, does it not follow that the "good news of/about the Kingdom" is not being preached or lived out?