Children and the Christian God

by Skeptic 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Skeptic

    My thanks to YoYoMamma for inspiring this post. YoYoMamma got me thinking about how God views children, and the rules regarding children who are not "saved" and why.

    Is this a God you want to worship?

    I'll start with the merciful versions I personally know of:
    1) Catholic: unbaptised children go to limbo. This is not heaven, but is a place of happiness. Eventually, the children go to heaven. This raises questions, but I generally have no complaint with it.

    2) "General" Christians: Most christians of various faiths believe that children go to heaven. I hav no complaint with this. And it would be unfair for me to leave them out.

    3) JW: children of non-JWs or "bad" JWs will die in Armageddon. So much for sons not being punished for the sins of their parents.

    4) Born-again: Children who are not saved go to hell. Yup, even if they die within hours of being born.

    5) 1Sam. 15:3 makes it clear that Jah ordered the killing of infants.
    (This makes abortion an issue separate from Christianity. It is absurd to believe that God wants a fetus to be born but could not care if it is killed once born.)

    6) Julie pointed out that when a Jah-ordered genocide is being carried out, many unborn children must be killed. Amoungst millions of people there must be thousands of pregnant women.
    (This makes abortion an issue separate from Christianity. It is absurd to believe that God wants a fetus to be born but then has the pregnant mother - and hence the fetus - killed.)

    Think about the kind of God shown in 3 to 6...and those who follow the Bible in 1&2 still have to accept 5&6. Is this the kind of God you want to worship? Not me.


  • SixofNine

    Not to mention the childrens stories that set the tone for all little Christian, Muslim, and Jewish children:

    Adam and Eve- - two perfectly naive children of God, not given the chance to make even one mistake.

    The flood- - only one good family on earth, just one. Did you get that, bible thumpers? ONE GOOD MAN out of all humans! And it turns out that somehow, this one man's immediate family are the only other people worth saving on the entire planet!!!!! (what are the odds?) Even the animals have to be killed to appease God. That's right little Billy, even fido. I know what the teacher says in your cultural diversity class Billy, but you have to be careful, Ammood and Sung Ho don't believe in Jesus.

    Abraham-- Yes Billy, I love you, but I have to be willing to sacrifice you to God, if'n that's what God wants. After all, you want my seed to be most blessed, don't you Billy? Oh, don't worry Billy, God didn't let Abraham go thru with it!, and He probably won't the next time either. Stop your crying boy, Jesus was willing to be sacrificed, and you should to. Now be a man-- a spiritual man.

    *sniff- ok pappa* *weakly*

  • ofcmad

    Have to disagree with you one more time.

    General Christians, as you put it, beleive that they are born-again. The term "born-again" means that they have been given a "new birth" by means of Christ's blood when he died. That is one of the core belief of Christianity.

    I am a "Born-Again" Christian, and by no means beleive that children who are not saved go to hell even if they die within hours of being born.

    Many people catagorize "Born-Again Christians" under "Fundlementalist Wackos" ... I am not a fundie-wacko.

    Quite frankly, I'm tired of reading or listening to that ignorance.


    "Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/ Dogma

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