Did you provoke/tease overrighteous JW ???

by Albert Einstein 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    I did very often. I just love it.

    Situation one: we went with a group of friends from my cong for an outdoor trip in my car ... I was driving, several friends in the car, including young but zealous (wish to be an elder...) pioneer sister ... We listen to a Queen, since I am a big fan ...

    Albert: This Freddie Mercury really was a great singer.....

    Sister: Oh yes, he is good ...

    Albert: He is really great, I believe one day, maybe in the next century, kids will have to learn about him at school, he will be just next to Mozart!

    Sister: What do you say Albert!!!! Armageddon is comming so soon!! What do you promote here Albert!!!!

    Albert: Well, you think in the New system kids will not go to school or will not learn about music at school??? Of course I belive New system is just behind the corner .... Iam speaking about New system... Of course...

    Your turn


  • asilentone

    Albert, I was one of the overrighteous JWs, but I am not the one that you are talking about. Well, you would have to understand that it comes from my parents indoctrinating into me. I do not like your attitude that you enjoyed provoking or teasing those kind of people, just think where they get it from. I would like to get your apology because I do not like your topic.

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Wasnt Jesus provoking overrighteous jews of his time?

    When he cured the guy at Bethzatha (John 5) on sabbath, he told him "pick up your cot and walk" ... He knew exactly, this will provoke discussion with pharisees, which exactly happen ... Jesus was very good at provoking ....

    So thats why I will not apologize for my topic. But at least I can apologize for not apologizing for may topic.... OK?


    Asilent, of course I wouldnt provoke you, if you were in my KH, so peace out....

  • asilentone

    Provoking and Teasing are two different things. Such a combination of provoking and teasing is not a good thing.

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Sorry, english is not my native... wasnt sure whats better so I put both words... now I know!

    But I love you anyways asilent!


  • oompa

    I think you should apologize to the Sister you spineless weasel (lol)!.......why not tell her you are not promoting anything, just like WT is not when they keep building so many new buildings!.....you should have let her know that now that there is no link of a real generation to 1914, there is NOW WAY to know how far into the last days we are!!!.......why the fluck did jesus say "nobody knows the day or hour"???.........if that is true then how fluck can WT keep saying we are "sooooo close"???.......what if the last days are equal to gods first "week" of time??..........oompa

    now go kick some ass you wuss!!!

    and tell her to get her frikkin retirement in order and her assisted living insurance paid up........

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