Paradise Paradise a new world with no pain and suffering. Everlasting enjoyment filled with sugarcoated wishes and chocolate dreams. Cut the crap man! I ask myself after a run in withe my family over challenging Jw beliefs. Does it matter if I get to the paradise? hey its not like someone will be waitin no to enjoy themselves before they see you anyway. Will families now spend forever together in one big tree house? If you dont see enough of them already now. What will be the significance of your blood relatives then? If we will all be young and servants of the true God, why would you need to be attached to a specific person(mother,father,brother,etc) anyway. Its just annoys me how JWs feel!
Does it Matter my friends?
by whathehadas 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In the Paradise, God is supposed to selectively erase all negative memories. So if you don't make it there to be with them, they either won't remember you or won't care that you aren't there. Problem solved by a loving God who never tampers with free will.
I don't really think much of it, too much to do here to think about "the future".
I don't think much of it because I don't do anything for the recompense of "paradise on earth" or anywhere else for that matter.
I don't think about it because I don't believe in God and Jesus because I am "afraid", or want to be "saved" or because I wanna be "in paradise", I have faith in God and Jesus because of the love I have for them because, you see, when I finally got to know them, I can't see my life without them, without their love and their Grace.
Paradise? I have that everytime I feel their love and grace effecting me and those I love.