Close your eyes,SNAP your fingers, and this would be fixed for you......

by restrangled 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Every single piece of paper, old magazines bills and empty boxes saved for future sales of equipment....(because the original box makes it more valuable).....

    God help me, I am ready to light a match!

    How about you?

  • journey-on

    I'd say it's time to de-clutter! I used to be a pack-rat, too. Now I'm all about minimizing and trimming down. It's painful at first, but you can do it! I just threw away a box full of old mags I had been holding on to for God knows what and it felt g-o-o-o-d! (Still couldn't toss my old Omni mags though.)

  • palmtree67

    I got rid of a husband last year. Does that count as de-cluttering? "Cus it sure felt good!!

  • restrangled

    Come on...I know there is more here, what's your dream, snap your fingers and problem gone?


  • bibledike

    My dream is actually finishing school still waiting to see the light on the other side of this dark tunnel

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