Hi All,
Do the congregations still have handbills that they hand out with the public talk advertised on them?
When I was PO we had to schedule the speakers from the different congregations in the circuit and have the society print them for us. We had to travel 50 to 100 miles on Sunday mornings, get up early to make it for field service, then have dinner with someone in the congregation, then give the "talk" at 3:00pm.
When I was a teenager, most of the boys would leave after the WT study and go to a movie together in another town. There were no sisters to date in our congregation.
This brings back some really good times we had together. It's kind of strange, but during the week I would hang out with my worldly friend and sometimes date a worldly girl, but on Sundays it would always be the brothers in the congregation and we would date a sister if we could find one in another congregation. I can remember only two or three that I dated.
I hadn't thought about those old days in quite a while.
Happy holidays,
Ken P.