I admit it, I used to love reading the Yearbook. When I got one I would have it read in about 3 days. So imagine my joy when a Bethelite asked me if I would like him to send me a copy before they were released to the general population of JWs. Of course I said I would like that very much. What I didn't know, is that it is customary for those receiving such Yearbooks to give a personal "donation" to the Bethelite who gave it to them. Of course, even if I had known this, I had no money to give. Imagine my surprise when the next year came along and I had to wait for my Yearbook just like everybody else. While I secretly envied other JWs who had Yearbooks mailed to them before I got a copy, I am not sad to have the expectation of giving money to something that was disguised as a gift.
Yearbook gift disguised as request for money
by startingovernow 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There may be some Bethelites who do that. I used to send out several every year without expecting a dime in return. It was kind of my own version of a "Christmas card" list. :)