
by sweetface2233 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetface2233

    I rarely visit or post on this site anymore, but I had an experience today that made me decide to pop back in. I've been an XJW long enough that the only time I think about my JW past is when one of my XJW friends (from this board or those I've met elsewhere) and I joke about Shasta and fruit bags.

    I've been playing on facebook and found some people who I used to know from the Circuit Assemblies and District Conventions. I would only contact them if I knew that they were XJWs; either DF'd before I left or were never "strong". It's been fun reconnecting and catching up w/ people that I haven't seen since I moved to DC about 12 or so years ago.

    I was contacted today by someone who, I guess, found me through other XJWs. I assumed he was also an X, as he has a beard in his profile pic and there were comments on his page from people wishing him a Happy Birthday. This, however, is not the case. Out of respect for his decision to be a JW, I informed him that I no longer was one. His response to me was, "I am so sorry to hear this. There is still time to come back, if you want. Your brother gave a wonderful part on the District Convention program a few weeks ago. How is your sister?" (Of course, I edited his response for grammar and punctuation, because it was atrocious.)

    Excuse me, but my decision to leave was the best decision that I ever made. I was fucking miserable for the 28 years that I was a JW. I am now finally happy. I have an amazing job w/ great co-workers and am taking college classes to pursue my Accounting degree. I have hella good friends that I can count on everyday to be by my side. They would never take away their friendship or judge me because they didn't like a decision that I made about MY life. In fact, I know that if I went out right now and robbed a bank (well, not the one where I work) or stole a car, my friends would attend the court hearings and, if I were to be sentenced to prison, would arrive on visitor's day to see me. Knowing a few of my girlfriends, they would probably show up bearing a cake w/ a nail file baked inside of it. :-)

    It just infuriates me that JWs would rather see you miserable and attending the meetings than happy and living your life the way that you want to live it. Thanks for listening. You've been great!

  • SnakesInTheTower

    hey stranger! good to see you pop in...wondered how things were going.... you are right....they (the JWs) would rather be like the lobster stuck in the pot clawing the others that are climbing out to rejoin them in their misery than let them go and celebrate their freedom....

    I never realized how much I hated meetings (I always hated field service) until I had been away awhile (almost 2 years completely away in Sept.)

    It was best decision I ever made. I will be posting an update soon (Monday night or Tuesday)

    pop in once in awhile.... and celebrate your being an X-JW...or is that ex-XJW?

    Snakes (aka Rich )

  • dinah

    You just got cyber witnessin'!!

  • straightshooter

    It is sad that a JW has to play false, like you described with a picture of one with a beard.

    If he can't be honest with himself, certainly he is not looking after your best interests.

    Good that you were not sucked into his witnessing trap.

  • GoingGoingGone

    So sorry this happened to you - isn't it infuriating??!?!

    Reminds me of a girl I knew in my early 20s. She was a blast, her entire family were JWs, but then she suddenly DA'd. The rumor was that she'd met a "worldly" guy. She married and had 4 kids.

    A few months ago, her father died (a lifelong JW and longtime elder). I don't live in the area anymore, so someone was telling me about the funeral, who was there, etc... she said, "B**** was there with all her kids, and she looks great. The kids are all gorgeous and so well behaved, her husband seems so sweet too. It made me so upset - It's such a shame that she left the truth!"

    I'm thinking to myself, Can you even hear what you are saying??


  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    So sweetface, when ARE you going back to Jehovah? It's good to hear from you and I'm glad you're doing so well.

    GGG, how are you? Haven't seen you in a while either.

  • sweetface2233

    It is good to see you guys, too.

    The long and short of our next couple of replies were him explaining that he knows first hand how Satan can make it easy to slip away, but hard to stick w/ it and my comments of how I don't buy into the whole, God v. Satan, good v. evil, heaven v. hell (or whatever) belief anymore. He then proceeded to delete me as a facebook friend, but not before the domino effect occurred and I got inundated by friend requests from JWs who were mutual friends of ours for about 20 mins. I am guessing that facebook/myspace/twitter is no longer frowned upon by the WTS, as even my brother, an elder and sub circuit overseer trainee, has a page. It is quite enlightening, though, to see how many active JWs have posted pics of themselves drinking and dancing in bars and clubs. What a bunch of hypocrites!

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic
    Knowing a few of my girlfriends, they would probably show up bearing a cake w/ a nail file baked inside of it. :-)

    I love the fact that in your hypothetical prison sentence you are only worried about sitting there manicuring yourself……

    Such vanity…..

    Hope you’re well……

  • GoingGoingGone

    Hey hemplover! I'm doing ok, thanks for asking! I miss hanging out around here :)

    Sweetface - around here, facebook is ok, but myspace is NOT. Go figure.


  • sweetface2233

    Mr. Majestic,

    I don't think you understand. The nail file being baked into the cake would be to help me file through the prison bars and plan an escape. However, a girl does need her bare necessities and well manicured hands and feet are among them. :-)

    See ya in a few weeks!

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