Like any big business/corporation, the Watchtower must make strategic decisions and plans for the future to survive and grow. What is the WBTS's 5-10 year Corporate Strategy?
The current prime directive of the WBTS is clearly expenditure/waste reduction through operational rationalisation. This is apparent from the present focus on reducing bethelite numbers, reducing printing costs, selling its Manhatten properties. This is a natural reaction to a weaker global market and recession.
The WBTS realises its market is rapidly shifting away from the rich, western world to the third world so it is strategically streamlining operations accordingly. Donations are drying up. One day all printing will be moved to developing countries/the third world. Before too long there will only be one montly public magazine, the Awake. The Watchtower will only be the internal magazine.
Missionaries, Circuit Overseers and Special Pioneers are a major drain on financial resources. Expect these to be rationalised and even entirely phased out in the next 10 years.
Costly court claims and settlements is a major concern. The Society will continue to adjust any policy that leaves it exposed to costly and damaging litigation. Expect changes as they relate to the child abuse and blood policies.
Elders are dropping out in droves and are getting on average younger and younger. Expect an easing of elders duties to make their role less onerous. The change to the bookstudy arrangement was mostly for this reason.
Youth are leaving in droves. Expect changes to policy/teachings to make it easier for youth to remain, eg, an increasing focus on preventative judicial measures rather than punitive (more reproving and counselling rather than disfellowshipping), and changes to meeting and field service arrangements to make these less burdensome.
In short, for the next 5-10 years expect continued focus on operational/fiscal rationalisation and a general softening on policy and congregational matters.
I do not foresee any significant doctrinal changes in that timeframe except minor tweaking/adjustments - only a large drop in publisher numbers would prompt major doctrinal changes (eg, possible large falling away after 2014).
What are your thoughts on the WBTS's corporate strategic plan for the next 5-10 years?