Sunday morning call

by willy_think 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • willy_think

    well, i made my first communion today. it felt great to share in the sacrifice and to participate fully in the mass. all these years with my farther putting down the church and praising the WT. well i knew the WT was not for me and that left me with out any religion or belief at all. any way when i got right down to it the Question is: first cause of first effect? I went with first cause. then it's Christian or not. I chose Christian then it's the church Christ founded or not. I chose the one he founded. it should be a happy day for me but my old man called to rip me a new asshole. (like I need his approval) I felt deeply sadden by his anger and at how lost he is to me and to Jesus. I can only pray for my brothers, may God save them from mad men. I don't know why I typed this, it don't matter. he don't call me ever, till his spy gets word to him then it's the hand of the WT reaching out to squeeze my hart again.

    The Great and Powerful Oz

    pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
  • Adonai438

    JW's will never understand the true love we get from God-- isn't it nice to know that we don't have to go through the 'special' communion taking 'born again' 144,000 class to get to God? Merry CHRISTmas!!!

  • ElijahTheThird

    *chuckles*,,,, makes yah wonder at times don't it?

    Happy Holidays!

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