Anyone else after opening the DVD case for The Wonders of Creation Reveal God's Glory (hole) , immediately think of the zodiac when looking at the disc?
Is the artwork on the new creation DVD astrological?
by JerkhovahsWitless 6 Replies latest jw friends
This was the Watchtower's original idea for the DVD art.
The Vatican didn't want to be associated in any way with the WT (they're trying to keep their image clean of pedophilia these days), so that's why the WTS had to go with a more subtle zodiac. True story
Just because they use a symbol does not mean endorsement of it. The WTS has used crosses on religious leaders on covers of magazines about their actions, Christmas trees on the covers of December magazines with "Christmas" articles, pictures of people "smoking" where they have articles about dangerous worldly behaviors. I have seen zodiac symbols in articles on astrology. I'd have to see the context of these pictures.