Cults 101: Are You In A Cult?
by Bangalore 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Cults 101: Are You In A Cult?
First, there is the theological consideration. How consistent are the group's beliefs with the basic tenets of the historic Christian faith? This evaluates the eternal significance of such beliefs.
I disagree with this point. I don't think a group should be labeled a "cult" simply because one disagrees with some of their teachings (thinks the teaching is not a "basic tenet of the Christian faith").
In my opinion a cult is all about the control it places on its members, not any specific teachings.
I've always liked this list when trying to identify whether a group is a cult or not:
The word cult is too hard to define.
I use it only on this board when defining JWs/WTS because the majority here know what it was like being a JW and how hard it is to leave. Outside of this group of people who understand, I never use the word to describe JWs, Mormons or most other religions. It deflects from the debate because so many people have different meanings.
Cults don't have to be religious either. It can be any group that requires an abnormal devotion to group or club. I consider 1% biker gangs cults. They have to follow a strict code, they have uniforms and they have a chain of command. Step out of line or disrespect the group and you're in a world of shit. It's a cult, just not religious. Certain military groups are very cultish as well.
Of course my opinion on all this is formed by the fact that I was in the JW cult for so long. Now anything that smacks of conformity or following the group alarms me to some degree. I'll probably never to be able to join any kind of club or group just because I don't want to be pigeonholed or told how to act, dress or respond to certain situations.
"Cult" has varying definitions. In the loosest sense, anyone that belongs to society can be said to be in a cult, since there is a code of morals. This is not necessarily damaging.
Up a bit, a cult can be a group of people with similar beliefs. Depending on how much this sets the group apart from the world, it can be quite innocuous. These beliefs can simply be that any volitional act that is good for oneself and/or society is moral, and any volitional act that is bad for oneself and/or society is immoral. Such a belief would produce a very innocuous "cult", since a member can act on that belief and still contribute to society and receive value from society nicely. Or, the beliefs can be very narrow--setting one apart from the world. That kind of cult would be more capable of producing damage.
A cult can also be defined as a group of people with similar beliefs, where the majority of people do not believe in. Again, the amount of damage created depends on how much those beliefs interfere with functioning in society. If the belief is simple enough, it might actually enhance the person's ability to function in society. Such a "cult" could eventually go mainstream if not viciously fought by the Establishment (the Establishment, not those in it, would stand to lose the most).
When a cult becomes damaging is when they start pushing beliefs that impede a person's functioning in society, use force or threats of force to prevent people from cross-referencing these beliefs or punish those who no longer believe it (or who get tired of the drag on their personal lives), and initiate fraud to get people to join. Usually, those cults have (or develop) long lists of normal activities that members cannot participate in. They are usually sequestered in some way from the world (living in isolation, or being told that the media is bad and that "excessive" worldly association will damage them), and very often are kept busy pushing a product or service. Religion may or may not be a factor.
These kinds of cults often start with a real problem (getting in with the opposite sex, getting rich, or religion). They offer a solution, usually the wrong one. You are now expected to put hours and hours of time into this (MLMs do this, expecting distributors to spend hours and hours advertising the product and trying to get new distributors). Businesss cults will blame the victim for not doing enough if they do not make enough money (it is extremely rare to get rich in a MLM legitimately). Cults that "solve" a personal problem give crap advice that is often worse than advice that is in the mainstream media, and then blame the victim when it does nothing or worse. Religious cults will stake salvation--you will not be saved if you do not do enough, and nothing you do is ever "enough".
Religious cults tend to be the worst. With a business or "personal problem" cult, if you stop distributing or doing what they tell you, all you lose is the money. Business cults can cut you off if you do not pay or have activity, but will reinstate you as soon as you pay a new initiation fee. "Personal problem" cults often ban people, sometimes for complaining that the product does not work or seeing a pitfall and mentioning that an adverse outcome will result from the "solution". However, they do not threaten to hold family hostage--or eternal damnation. Nor do they stop you from cross-referencing their products (and finding that theirs is a scam or that there is additional information they are not supplying that is needed for success). Which is more than can be said about most religious cults.
____________from CARM________________________
Cults are everywhere. Some are mainstream and widely accepted. Others are isolationist and hide from examination at great expense. They are growing and flourishing. Some cause great suffering while others appear very helpful and beneficial. Which ever group it is, the ultimate end is their destruction when the Lord returns to claim His own.