JW.ORG quotes - use of wording that makes them look like what they are not

by Esse quam videri 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    Comments have been made previously about the Watchtower using emotion to sway peoples thinking. This is evident in the new breed of garbage song videos and the kiddy cartoons. When relaying current news, the same tactics are used. A careful examination of the Watchtower's real stand on certain issues often reveals the fraudulent misuse of the wording it uses. Take for example this 'news item' now showing on JW.ORG.

    SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 | ERITREA

    Twenty Years of Imprisonment in Eritrea—Will It Ever End?

    Twenty years ago, Eritrean authorities arrested three young men and detained them in harsh conditions in the Sawa prison camp, where they remain until this day. They have never been charged with a crime, nor have they been given the opportunity to defend themselves in a court of law. Why have they been unjustly imprisoned?

    Paulos Eyassu, Negede Teklemariam, and Isaac Mogos are Jehovah’s Witnesses and conscientiously object to performing military service because of their strongly held religious beliefs. Had they been formally charged with the “crime” of refusing military service, they would have been sentenced to a fixed prison term. Paulos, Negede, and Isaac, now aged 41, 40, and 38 respectively, have spent their youth in confinement. They have been denied the opportunity to marry and have children, give support to their aging parents, or live their lives as they choose…".

    They ask,' Will it ever end'?

    We would do well to ask, about their manipulating words, ' will it ever stop'?


    The real problem is not going to prison, or even being put to death for something you believe in. The problem is that the WTBTS is guilty of using a "false stylus", therefore robbing those men of an informed choice.

    Those men are in prison as martyrs of the WTBTS. This serves the WTBTS's purpose. It gives them real life examples of "persecution" to share with the sheeple, this reinforces the fallacy of the WTBTS being the "true religion."

    Imagine if the WTBTS spent some pedophile defense money on helping to free these "martyrs."



    Paulos Eyassu, Negede Teklemariam, and Isaac Mogos are Jehovah’s Witnesses and conscientiously object to performing military service because of their strongly held religious beliefs

    So if the WBT$ stopped demanding JW`s follow INSANE WBT$ Rules and Policies..
    Paulos Eyassu, Negede Teklemariam, and Isaac Mogos.....WOULDN`T BE IN JAIL RIGHT NOW..


    ..Image result for Watchtower logo

    .....Image result for Take responsibility

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