I just wrote this while pondering everything I see on this board. To me, it is so easy to tell the difference, but of course I am on the outside of the barn where there is wide open spaces and abundance. many of you know the difference and cannot/will not live your truth. I understand. Boy, do I.
Which of these would have you bound and tied, self secured deep in obedience to an organization that teaches they are God’s only mouthpiece, and dishevel people’s existence in the Name of God? God, or Satan?
Which one of them stands on a mountain (Bethel) shouting “I am the one and only channel to God!” ? Who leads the masses from the headquarters of a corporation, a business entity that is man-minded, created by the same?
Which one of these threaten the very foundations we build sell esteem on and rock them with threats of dis-fellowship, shunning and complete dishonor among the fellow members, including family and anyone most dear? How unstable a foundation to grow on!!!!
Which one uses fear as a motivator? Why not Love?
No Love exists in this entity—this living man-made thing called an organization. When did Jesus speak of such a powerful worldy-based ‘organization” ?
Now, which one stands by and watches, and waits, and is accepting, knowing the mind-fullness (a full mind) to God is first and foremost. Knowing Holy Spirit, the Living God force that exists in all and is all—is the very engine the drives the human’s spirit, is just that. This one Is God Himself living and being Himself.
Which one shows respect, even in times of opposition to others, often seeing to it resolution is made. These are the first that offer gratitude, apologies, and praise of another. Effortlessly. There is rarely, if any forced positive emotion
Which one would never turn away his creation-- his own offspring-- simply because they did not see things His way at times.
One operates best on challenge and reward, seeking to expand the mind of itself through self expression.
Compare the qualities of Love, and all that fall under that category.
Compare the qualities of fear, and all that fall under this category.
Who really runs the WTS?