My fiance - first message

by IronHill 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • IronHill

    Hello everyone, my fiance has sent me a message for everyone here in response to my first post

    Here it is:

    Hello everyone,

    this is the fiancee...first of all thank you for the welcome. It is nice to see that we are not the only ones that feel this way. I know you guys have heard a couple of things about me and maybe one of these days i'll give you all my story. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say hello...

    Yes this past weekend with the DA was a bit stressful cuz he was just in a bad mood...but like he said I do come from a "spiritually strong" family and am miss popularity. I keep the connections with the org because i do not want to loose those ties. We have been friends for years and it's not all based on the org but that is the one thing that connects us all. So yes for now i feel the need to just deal with it not to loose those relationships.

    That's it for now...hope to talk to you all soon. Again thanks for the welcome. Also, I wanted to say that it is nice to have someone that does not judge and my fiancee is that person. He is wonderful and he's the one that brought me to you guys.

    Take care

    How awesome is this?? Like i said, i think we'll have her on here soon...

  • leavingwt

    Sounds encouraging. Glad to hear it.


  • IronHill

    Thanks...i believe so too

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    It is nice to have someone as a partner who has the same background and you can grow together! Welcome. Enjoy the board!

  • WuzLovesDubs

    I hope she understands that any unburdening of her heart and questions she needs to ask but was a fraid to...she can bring here.


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