This might interest some who are researchers into cults in general. I had only vaguely heard of this guy Harold Camping, when he predicted the end in the nineties. Here at this link, you can hear him debating Dr James White. ( He is coming from a Reformed Prot perspective.) Part 1 is up, i believe they will also post part 2 soon.
It is unbelievable how JW-esque he sounds. He just rambles on and on with numbers, calculations, etc. Tells everyone to come out of their churches, he has the truth, it's being revealed for the first time now that the end is near, yada yada, you know the drill. -- His opponent actually observes how Camping for all practical purposes puts him on 'mute' when he speaks, not really responding to anything he says, but just goes back into his spiel.
i know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but i thought some might be interested.