Does having material belonging to another religious organization mean I will be disfellowshipped? Yes it could.
1. The elders would need to know of this fact if any action is to be taken. They would then talk with you and determine why you have such literature and if you are sharing this information with other jw. The elders could come to the conclusion that you have doubts and just need spiritual help. Any priviledges you have in the congregation may be taken from you. Of course being on a site like this would be another mark against you in the elders eyes. The WTS always reminds one of not leading a double life to try to get you to get the elders involved. BUT REMEMBER, if the elders don't know, then nothing happens.
2. If the elders do come to know of this and determine that you are not loyal to the WTS anymore and show no sign of repentence, then one is disfellowshipped.
It always depends on the elder, most elders are very organization loyal. But I have known some who were very "liberal" in their thinking. But the "liberal" thinking elders usually did not last long in the organization.