My parents (my Dad is an elder with a position, so it isn't necessarily a "fringe opinion") had never saved the money for me to be in school, but my mother said I needed some college to get through with my life. At the least to take something like a office management course so I could make in the $20-40+ an hour in office work as opposed to minimum-15$ an hour.
They felt that if I got qualification for a job that I could do part-time and make decent money, I could pioneer the rest of the time and get a job anywhere in the world. My Very very devout sister did the same to become an insurance saleslady and she makes good bank working a few days a week.
Other community college courses that you can take have to do with drafting, welding, all sorts of things. Education to them in that way isn't bad.
Becoming an engineer or a pathologist would yeild a "now be realistic" response, at the same time I was told I can do it if I really want (their disapprovakl would have guilted old me out of it).
Keep in mind though on the East Coast they refer to West coast Witnesses as "The Reformed Church of Jehovah's Witnesses". That is probably part of it. At least a third of our youths went to some kind of college. Also college in Canada is different in some ways.
The college life experience now, that is something else. That's part of what got me thinking differently and got me out (I realised all worldly people are not unhappy vacant miserable people that use you for nothing. There are nice loving friendly enriched people too, also logic does not mean right as it depends on what you base it on). The odd few hours a week isn't bad for classes, full time school for longer than a few terms would probably have a big effect on many.
Other parents outright refused to pay or help their kids so it does differ I suppose. I was lucky. I got anything I wanted paid for in the end and since I was a smart kid in high school the government got the rest. I now work with computers mostly and it's great. I didn't need school for that too, I'm just a geek.
Religion wide though, generally speaking, secondary education is not recommended as it distracts from what they want and think they need you to do. That and it cracks open your brain into different ways of thinking.