Drama - Judgements of my son.
by allelsefails 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
Had a discussion with my son. He seems to think that anybody who leaves the truth and says "I only got baptized because of pressure" (pressure from parents or friends) and then leaves is just using it an excuse because they don't want to follow the rules. They are weakly giving themselves an excuse. I tried to make him understand that people really can disagree with JWs and be reasonable thoughtful people. - It is beyond him to think like that unfortuately, but maybe he'll see it someday.
Anyone else have the pressure issue come up? The drama at the DC is a good example of pressure put on young ones.
I did not see the drama but it reminds me of an experience. A sister and her then boyfriend planned to get baptized at the same assembly. She says at first she did not see him with the group but he showed up in time for baptism. They were married soon after baptism but he was disfellowshipped several years later. She feels he was baptized to please her and his mom.
Yes, the JWs abuse the hell out of the "No True Scotsman" logical fallacy.
By their using statements such as "Honest hearted ones recognize truth when they see it and become JWs," they imply that those who do not accept their version of truth must be dis-honest hearted.
"So-and-so left the truth."
"Really? He must've been overreached by Satan, and cultivated selfish desires."
The JWs MUST use such rationalizations because to admit that honest, intelligent people can find legitimate reason to disagree with the organization, they must also admit that there are holes in their doctrine. The absurdity of this idea is so obvious that individual JWs will freely admit that honest, rational, intelligent people can "legitimately" disagree with the organization (on the caveat that they've been misled, of course), but the Watchtower itself would never say as much in print. Such would be legitimizing doubt. And we all know what a 'cancer' doubt is for a JW.