If you read the story Skeeter wrote and the comments that follow, you will see how what I am about to say ties in. Anyone who denies that being one of Jehovah's Witnesses can add to or cause many illnesses, including mental illness such as schizophrenia among others, I will share some statements from Watchtower's own publications. Although the horrible crime that just took place in San Antonio Texas may not have been a direct result of the woman's involvement with Jehovah's Witnesses, statements such as the following could do nothing more than add to an already volatile situation. In the Watchtower of March 1,1983 page 25, par.16 it is boldly stated "Consider some of the other "twisted things" used to mislead God's people today. On occasion opposers will question the various teachings that Jehovah's people hold in common. Often this becomes a debate about words, just as it was in the first century. (1Tim.6:3.4)They may also question the need for an organization to DIRECT THE MINDS of God's people". Is it just me or do I see a reference to mind control. In "Watching the world" Awake November 8,1995 page 28 under the heading Mental Illness Among Children it says,"Some mental-health experts think that one of the reasons is the lack of meaningful conversations between children and their parents". When printing this did the Watchtower leaders consider that their non-Biblical shunning policies could result in some types of mental anguish and problems for parents who have children who shun them or parents who shun their own children simply on the grounds that they no longer want to remain part of this Satanic,dangerous and destructive cult.There is no doubt in my mind, myself who was one of Jehovah's Witnesses for nearly 50 years, that remaining in this Organization will bring about nothing but severe problems and heartache for all those who insist that they have the "truth".
Read Skeeter's thread on man in German Kingdom Hall with a gun
by the research lady 7 Replies latest jw friends
Where in that story does it say the man with a gun was a JW?
So where is this story posted and where are the comments?
A man walked into a Kingdom Hall with a Machine gun.. Where does it say he was a JW? ...............OUTLAW
Here are the news articles; I don't know where Skeeter's story is.
While it says that the man went into a jw meeting, there is no mention that the man himself was a jw.
Last sentence - "The man , who was taken into police custody, allegedly blamed the Jehovah'ss Witnesses for making him lose contact to his daughter."
All I've seen so far in the news is that the German man's motive is that 'his (JW) daughter would not talk to him anymore.'
This leads me to think that he was being shunned. We know that the JWs mainly shun ex-Witnesses. This leads me to think the 80 year old was likely a disfellowshipped JW.
We'll have to keep an eye on this developing story,
Or he could be a non-jw whose daughter was studying with jws and was told not to associate with him; or associate less with him by not celebrating birthdays, holidays, attending weddings or funerals.