Its the only thing we have control over..time that is...we can choose to do with it what we will.
How much we give to others, to a cause, to a religion, to an ideal..we have dominion over our time...our choice of allocation to that specific arena in the passage of life.
We hurt ourselves we we give minutes or hours to pursuits that dont match our own ideals or beliefs....
Seventy years is not long in terms of minutes or hours....
As an ex Witness, I came to the conclusion recently that the biblical issue is really between God and his son Satan....we just got caught up in it. I no longer have the time or the energy to pursue a mans interpretation of what is the correct view or stance or attitude to have in regard to what the Bible is all about, all I can do is say..
" God...Im lost, confused and dissapointed that it wasnt clearer...and how come you gave very clear direction to your servants in the Bible, but the WT organisation seem to just limp from one opinion to another..and how come not a single book containing important prophecy interpretation by the spiritual director Fred Franz in still in print or refered to?"