Lets see what is the difference between a bethalite and a publisher?
When working in Bethal you are considered to be a pioneer.
That means in Bethal you can do carpentry , cleaning , cooking , painting ,washing clothes , ironing sorting out bills and accounts and many other jobs and be considered a pioneer and spiritualy strong.
You can even miss meetings do no ministry in the week and still be spiritualy strong.
If extra work is needed to be done you can miss meetings to do it and still be considered a pioneer and spiritually strong.
If you are a publisher and spend all week doing house work , decorating your house sorting bills out a miss a meeting or don't go on the ministry you are spiritually weak.
The elders will be concerned at your lack of spiritual goals and you may become an iregular publisher or even inactive.
Of course the publisher has the advantage of having to do all his/her menial tasks after working full time to pay the bills.
I wish I could be spiritually strong like those bethalites.
Of course as a publisher if i had a house kept as well as Bethal employing all those extra workers to do so I would be considered materialistic, but the governing body can do that and still be considered spritualy strong.
Of course there are no class distinctions with Jehovahs witnesses all are equal just some more than others.