Can anyone please tell me if there is a quote in the Youth book(the old red one) that says something along the lines of "homosexuality is a learned behavior"? I believe there was but don't have a copy of the book. Thanks if you can help.
The Youth book(red) and homosexuality
by QuestioningEverything 5 Replies latest jw friends
twinkle toes
I this what you were thinking of?
Can you imagine if all guys that masturbated "turned" gay? There would be nothing left for us ladies.
I think they were trying partially trying to scare straight guys that if they did "it" they might "turn" gay.
Weakly giving in to sexual desires by masturbation will certainly not give you strength when faced with a situation tempting you to commit fornication—or even homosexuality. Just the opposite, it cultivates wrong thinking and wrong desire. In fact, masturbation can lead into homosexuality. In such instances the person, not satisfied with his lonely sexual activity, seeks a partner for mutual sex play.
This happens much more frequently than you may realize. Contrary to what many persons think, homosexuals are not born that way, but their homosexual behavior is learned. And often a person gets started when very young by playing with another’s sexual parts, and then engaging in homosexual acts. One young man relates: "When I was young, I had very little parental guidance. I was allowed to go my own way, and do my ‘own thing.’ It was when I was only about eight years old that my older cousins introduced me to homosexual acts. I found these pleasurable, and so continued the practice with them and later with others. Soon it was almost a daily activity. At first I had no realization of doing anything wrong. My parents had not given me any instruction regarding moral conduct, and I never confided in them. "We then lived in a Central American country. Later we moved to New York city, where I finished high school. I also continued homosexual practices. The schools and city are filled with homosexuals, so there were plenty of opportunities. As I grew older I realized that what I was doing was unnatural, and was not right. But I continued because I wanted to. These sex acts had become very enticing to me." The youth was "hooked" on the practices, and it was only after great effort that he was able to overcome them. What motivated him to change? It was a desire to please Jehovah God. When he understood that God views homosexual acts as "unnatural," and that He totally disapproves of them, the young man fought these practices until he had conquered them. God’s Word is very clear on this matter, saying: "Make no mistake: no fornicator or idolater, none who are guilty either of adultery or of homosexual perversion . . . will possess the kingdom of God."—1 Corinthians 6:9, 10, TheNewEnglishBible.
twinkle toes
sorry I don't know what happened to the Paragraph numbers. I have trouble copy and pasting from the cd-rom. it always gets re-formatted
Thank you very much, that is exactly the quote I was looking for. It's unbelievable that they would say such a stupid thing. And to say that masturbation could lead to being homosexual?!*% What in the world?
I think I jack off too much
I noticed in the washtowel publication "Masturbation can lead to homosexuality". This is a blatant lie.
Homosexuality is a complicated condition with numerous different causes. I could think of 4 possible causes--genetic issues, exposure to certain toxins in early childhood, failure to mature past early adolescence for whatever reason, or lack of opportunity to meet the opposite sex (and none are certain to produce homosexuality). Of these, only the lack of opportunity situation should be "cured"--many people that do not mature past the pre-adolescent stage are just as happy elsewhere, and genetic or medical homosexuality is not "curable".
I must note that masturbation is not a cause for homosexuality. If this above article was correct, that would mean a person who is naturally straight (no genetic or medical issues toward homosexuality, the person has passed that pre-adolescent homosexual stage, and has plenty of opportunities to practice straight sex) would become homosexual simply from masturbation. I don't know about any of them, but I simply want to puke upon seeing those men trying to pick me up, and cursing and exposing God as an Almighty Lowlife Scumbag for trying to cut me off from "straight" sex.
Of course, the same group of quacks that wrote up this article also wrote that aluminum is inherently dangerous, that oral sex causes cancer, that college is like shooting oneself in the head, and that reading the Asleep! for 4 years is equivalent to a college degree. I would never trust anything the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger puts out, and I would prefer that people research such complicated subjects so we have a better understanding of things and we don't try to "cure" homosexuality with shame and punishment.