Here is a copy of the last will of Michael Jackson in PDF.,0,7115144.acrobat
by Bangalore 6 Replies latest jw friends
Here is a copy of the last will of Michael Jackson in PDF.,0,7115144.acrobat
When I click on that link I see:
Here it is:
I, MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON, a resident of the State of California, declare this
to be my last Will, and do hereby revoke all former wills and codicils made by me.
I declare that I am not married. My marriage to DEBORAH mAN ROWE
JACKSON has been dissolved. I have three children now living, PRINCE MICHAEL
JOSEPHJACKSON,IT.I haveno otherchildren,livingor deceased.
It is my intention by this Will to dispose of all property which I am entitled to
dispose-of by wiil. I specificallyrefrain from exercisingaU150wersof appointmentthat I
maypossess at the timeof ~y death.
I give my entire estate to the Trustee or Trustees then acting under that certain
Amendedand Restated Declarationof Trust executedon March 22, 2002 by me as Trustee
and Trustor which is called the MICHAELJACKSONFAMILYTRUST, giving effect to
any amendmentstheretomadeprior to my death. All such assetsshallbe held, managedand
distributedas a part of said Trust accordingto its terms and not as a separatetestamentary
If for any reasonthis gift is not operativeor is invalid, or if the aforesaidTrust fails
or hasbeen revoked,I give my residuaryestatd'tothe Trusteeor Trusteesnamedto act in the
MICHAELJACKSON FAMILY TRUST, as Amendedand Restated on March 22,2002,
and I direct said Trustee or Trusteesto divide,administer,hold and distributethe trust estate
pursuant to the provisio~sof said Trust, as hereinabovereferred to as such provisions now
exist to the same extent and in the same manner as though that certain Amended and
RestatedDeclarationof Trust,were hereinset forth in full, but without giving effectto any
subsequentamendmentsafter the date of this Will. The Trustee,Trustees,or any successor
Trusteenamedin such TrustAgreementshallservewithoutbond.
I direct that all federalestatetaxes and state inheritanceor successiontaxes payable A
upon or resulting ftom or by reason of my death (herein "Death Taxes") attributableto Il/
propertywhich is part of the trust estate of the MICHAELJACKSONFAMILYTRUST,
includingproperty which passes to said trust from my probate estate shall be paid by the
Trustee of said trust in accordancewith its terms. Death Taxes attributableto property
passing outside this Will, other than property constituting the trust estate of the trust
inentionedin the precedingsentence,shallbe chargedagainstthe taker of saidproperty.
I appointJOHNBRANCA,JOHNMcCLAINandBARRYSlliGEL as co-Executors
of thisWill. In the eventof anyof theirdeaths,resignations,inability,failureor refusaltM "
serveor continueto serve as a co-Executor,the othershallS'erveand no replacementneedbe
named. The co-Executors serving at"any time after my death may name one or more
replacementsto serve in the eventthat none of the three namedindividualsis willingor able
to serveat anytime.
The term "my executors"as used in this Will shall include any duly actingperson~ A 11 fl
representativeor representativesof my estate. No individual acting as such need post a vv {f-'
I hereby give to my Executors,full power and authorityat any time or times to sell,
lease, mortgage, pledge, exchange or otherwisedispose of the property, whether real or,
personal comprising my estate, upon such terms as my Executors shall deem best, to
continueany businessenterprises,to purchaseassetsftom my estate,to continuein forceand
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pay insurance premiums on any insurancepolicy, includinglife insurance,owned by my
estate, and for any of the foregoingpurposesto make,executeand deliverany and all deeds,
contracts,mortgages,bills of sale or other instrumentsnecessary or desirabletherefor. In
addition,I give to my Executorsfull powerto investand reinvestthe estatefunds and assets
in any kind of property,real, personalor mixed, and everykind of investment,specifically
including, but not by way of limitation,corporate obligations of every kind and stocks,
preferredor common,and interestsin investmenttrusts and sharesin investmentcompanies,
and any commontrust fund administeredby anycorporateexecutorhereunder,which menof
prudentdiscretionand intelligenceacquirefor their own account.
Except as otherwiseprovided in this Will or in the Trust refeITedto in Article m A11
hereof, I have intentionally omitted to provide for my heirs. I have intentionally omitted to(V \;1
provide for my fonner wife, DEBORAH JEAN ROWE JACKSON.
If at the time of my death I own or have an interestin propertylocatedoutsideof the
State of Californiarequiringancillaryadministration,I appointmy domiciliaryExecutorsas
ancillaryExecutors for such property. I give to said domiciliaryExecutors the following
additionalpowers, rights and privilegesto be exercisedin their sole and absolutediscretion,
with reference to such property:to cause such ancillaryadministrationto be commenced,
caITiedon and completed;to detennine what assets, if any, are to be sold by the ancillary
Executors; to pay directly or to advance funds from the California estate to the ancillary
Executorsfor the paymentof all claims,taxes, costs and administrationexpenses,including
compensation of the ancillary Executors and attorneys' fees incUITedby reason of the
ownership of such property and by such ancillaryadministration;and upon completionof
such ancillary administration,I authorize and direct the ancillary Executors to distribute,
transfer and deliver the residue of such propertyto the domiciliaryExecutorsherein, to be
distributedby them under the tenns of this Will, it being my intentionthat my entire estate
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shan be administered as a unit and that my domiciliaryExecutors shall supervise and
control, so far as pennissible by locallaw, any ancillaryadministrationproceedingsdeemed
necessaryin the settlementof my estate.
If any of my children are minors at the time of my death, I nominate my mother,
KATHERINEJACKSONas guardianof the pers~nsand estates_ofsuch minor children. If
nominate DIANA ROSS as guardian of the pers
I subscribe my name to this Will this
On the date written below, MICHAELJOSEPH J
undersigned,that the foregoinginstrumentconsistingof five (5) pages, includingthe page
signed by us as witnesses, was his Will and requested us to act as witnesses to it. 'He
thereupon signed this Will in our presence,all of us being present at the same time. We
now, at his request,in his presenceand in the presenceof each other,subscribeournames as
Each of us is now more than eighteen(18) yearsof age and a competentwitness and
residesat the addressset forthafterhis name.
Each of us is acquaintedwith MICHAELJOSEPHJACKSON. At this time, he is
over the age of eighteen(18) years and, to the best of our knowledge,he is of sound mind
and is not actingunder duress,menace,fraud,misrepresentationor undueinfluence.
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We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
obviously he DOESNT have four kids.
If I've read that correctly he omitted any of his assets to be forwarded to his heirs , namely his children.
His entire assets are to be forwarded to the Micheal Jackson Trust Fund and the executive trustees of that fund.
What a weird and unusual Will
It says, "fonner wife Deborah Rowe". One would think the will wouldn't have typos.
"fonner wife Deborah Rowe".
i believe that this is a bad scan of the will and the OCR conversion is not the best.. probably not a
Snakes ()