Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

by JimmyPage 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage

    Do you need brains?

    Let us do your thinking for you!

    Do you need heart?

    We'll give you a pure one!

    Do you need courage?

    Rely on Jehovah!

    All these things and more can be yours if you come see the Wizard:

    Just don't look behind the curtain...

    It may turn out you didn't need us after all...

    ... you may have had those things inside you all along!

  • SixofNine
  • Girlie

    Nice post and a very interesting conclusion.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Awesome! And Freddy Franz behind the curtain too! "JEHOVAH SAYS......BEWARE........OF 1975!!!!!

  • prophecor

    I get the feeling we're not in Kansas, anymore

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I remember the moment I realized that there was no God behind the Watchtower organization just the old man behind the curtain posing as God. The only power the old boy had over me was the power I had surrendered to him. What a relief that revelation was.

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