Don't you just love Watchtower study questions that start by saying "In your own thoughts....." or "How do you feel about....", and then they still give you the answer in the paragraph, and the audience of course always gives back the approved answer from the magazine rather than expressing their own thoughts. This used to irk me as a kid as well.
In your own thoughts.....
by JWinprotest 3 Replies latest jw friends
White Dove
I think that I'd be much braver now telling them exactly what I thought about something.
I remember being given a stern look by the Dub conducting the book study the first night I attended for pointing that out to him when I was asked why I didn't answer any of the questions- why answer when it's already written in the paragraph? no thinking required! actually I used to think the question breaks where to make sure you were paying attention and to catch up if you were just pretending to listen! lol
Whenever I read statements that begin "In your own words, describe..." my thoughts are "Oh, you mean we are allowed to speak in our own words this time?"