
by is there help out there 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • is there help out there
    is there help out there

    Yesterday I took a Little nap about 2 pm. and during the nap a had a dream. During the dream came some referance to a song Popciles and Icicles.

    I have no idear where this came from. This song is about 40 years old and was song by a group called the Murmaids. Therefore I was a teen ager and

    I must have heard it then but I do not remember. Was this song beried in my mind for some reason. I looked it up on YouTube and have been playing it all day long. Have ang one had such a experance.


  • Robdar

    Last night I had a dream a little girl I know was singing about "sky horsies." Who know what it means.

  • bluecanary

    We are all of the characters in our dreams. Dreaming of a little girl is an aspect of yourself; likely the vulnerable, innocent, childlike aspect.

    What kind of emotions do these songs invoke in you? It's possible that you're feeling some emotion that's similar to what the song made you feel when you first heard it. The best way your mind could get you to recognize this feeling was by remembering the song. Or it's possible that you recently heard something that was similar to the lyrics, though you didn't realize it at the time. Your memory made a conection in your subconscious.

  • Robdar

    We are all of the characters in our dreams. Dreaming of a little girl is an aspect of yourself; likely the vulnerable, innocent, childlike aspect....What kind of emotions do these songs invoke in you?

    I thought the little girl was very cute in her pink dress and was impressed that she had made up her own little song about sky horsies.

    I am sure you are correct about our dream characters reflecting ourselves but I don't think the dream was telling me anything. I think it was just my brain amusing me through random thoughts and/or images--as she often does.

  • Twitch

    I dreamt I was at a movie theatre watching myself on the screen.

    but I didn't have any popcorn, or pants for that matter. What does it mean?

    lmao ;)

  • bluecanary

    Our dreams are made up of all the flotsam floating through our conscious and subconscious. Sometimes it's useful to pay attention because we may discover something going on deep in our hearts that our waking mind couldn't pinpoint. Other times, it's just pretty refuse.

  • is there help out there
    is there help out there

    Asuming how we feel, This song is about a happy girl who found the perfect guy who she loves and maid her and him very happy and in love. Is this what we are all looking for. The sad part is that JW will never find this.

  • Robdar

    Blue Canary,

    I want to thank you. As I was stepping out to have a cig, the meaning of the dream came to me. I am very pleased with what I believe the dream is telling me and it actually answered a question I've been mulling over.

    Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I don't think I would have gone there without you.

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