how the GB legislates who you can love and talk to, and how they do it

by Spike Tassel 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    AllTimeJeff:— The thread/topic is about how the GB legislates love, and a quote that was used in the drama at this years convention was very striking. If there are any comments concerning how the GB both legislates who you can love and talk to, and how they legislate who can and cannot love you, that would be most welcome.

    Spike Tassel:— Okay, here's the Topic, properly titled. It's all yours, ATJ.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Excuse me? I have another thread about this. You start a thread with a title only and a quote from me, and you don't provide a statement at all?

    What do you want to talk about dude? I didn't start this. If YOU want to talk about something, feel free.

    What is THIS thread about? Me? LOL

  • Spike Tassel
  • isaacaustin

    legilating love, who you can talk to- hmm, a definite sign of a cult.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Spike, your repeated opinions on that particular thread have been noted. I would like to add for the record that I respect your right to disagree, and note that you have.

    I can't really do much more then that. I hope this thread accomplishes whatever purpose you want it to have.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    the title speaks for itself

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Well, we already know that the GB leads the sheeple within the Jw org by self-serving legislation of sorts. ATJ's thread prob covers it just fine - though I did not see it except in passing.

    In much the same way as they [the GB] redefine 'discipline', 'encouragement' and 'love', they set themselves up as rightful authority to establish usufruct as well as it's polar opposite at times, and construct pseudo-legalism as a basis. Their authority claims to exceed any rightful limits established in scripture, if one wishes to base determination there.

    As for Tassel's inane attempt to redirect attention to himself, well what's new there.....?



    This is a new one..

    Spike attempts to hi-jack another thread by starting a new thread..

    I`ve never seen that done before!


  • bluecanary

    OUTLAW, he did that to one of me, too. I am embarrassed to have my name attached to it. Some of us try to keep control of our thread by not letting others use ad hominem attacks or baiting language. I'm wondering if Spike prefers to move to a less restrictive environment.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I was very sincere about him starting his own thread, which was fine. But then he takes my thread title, a comment of mine, and says that the title of my original thread is the topic, mysteriously bypassing the first long winded post I put out there.

    I don't think I am out of line when I say that the first statement should be given the credence as to my intent. I guess I could have titled my thread "Monkey's Throwing Feces At Each Other", but I had to name it something, and the quote from the drama seemed a good idea at the time.

    I trust most people can see what was attempted here.


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