Congregation "Bible Study" Comments - Week Commencing 17 August 2009

by LUKEWARM 9 Replies latest jw friends


    *** lv chap. 8 pp. 86-96 God Loves Clean People ***


    Q19. To keep ourselves physically clean, what do we need to avoid, and how does the Bible help us in this regard?19 To keep ourselves physically clean, we need to avoid defiling habits and practices, such as smoking, abusing alcohol, and the nonmedical use of addictive or mind-altering substances. The Bible does not specifically name all the unclean and disgusting habits and practices that are prevalent today, but it does contain principles that enable us to perceive how Jehovah must feel about such things. Because we know Jehovah's view of matters, our love for him moves us to take the course that brings his approval. Let us consider five Scriptural principles.

    "The Bible does not specifically name all the unclean and disgusting habits..." - Yet the WTS has regulated and imposed its laws even punishing non-conformity via announcements of disassociation/disfellowshipping. Where is the allowance for individuals to exercise their conscience based on "principles" contained in the Bible and make individual decisions?

    "...we know Jehovah's view of matters..." - Does this relate to the doctrine they are teaching currently? Do all disagreements with WTS current "truths" demonstrate that an individual does not know God?

    Q20, 21. Jehovah wants us to be free of what type of practices, and what powerful reason do we have to comply?20 "Since we have these promises, beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in God's fear." (2 Corinthians 7:1) Jehovah wants us to be free of practices that pollute our fleshly body and damage our spirit, or dominant mental inclination. We must therefore avoid addictive behaviors that are known to be harmful to physical and mental health.

    " free of practices that pollute our fleshly body and damage our spirit" - Does that include caffeine intake? What about not being in a healthy relationship, the lack of sleep, eating junk food, stress etc?

    21 The Bible gives a powerful reason for us to "cleanse ourselves of every defilement." Notice that 2 Corinthians 7:1 begins by saying: "Since we have these promises." What promises? As mentioned in the preceding verses, Jehovah promises: "I will take you in. And I shall be a father to you." (2 Corinthians 6:17, 18) Just imagine: Jehovah promises to put you under his protective care and to love you as a father does a son or a daughter. But Jehovah will fulfill these promises only if you avoid defilements of "flesh and spirit." How foolish it would be, then, to allow any disgusting habit or practice to rob you of such a precious and close relationship with Jehovah!

    "...any disgusting habit..." - Why not elaborate what they are?

    "Jehovah promises: "I will take you in. And I shall be a father to you." (2 Corinthians 6:17, 18)" - According to WTS doctrine, the great crowd are FRIENDS of God NOT sons. They also say New Testament is written for the anointed, so how does this apply to the majority that will be present in the consideration of this study?

    How can the great crowd have a "close relationship with Jehovah" when they are told that they cannot even have a relationship with Jesus because he is not their mediator?

    Q22-25. What Scriptural principles can help us to avoid unclean habits and practices?22 "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind." (Matthew 22:37) Jesus singled out this commandment as the greatest of all. (Matthew 22:38) Jehovah deserves such love from us. To love him with our whole heart, soul, and mind, we must avoid practices that could shorten our life or dull our God-given thinking abilities.

    "Jesus singled out this commandment as the greatest of all." So why has the WTS burdened jw's with hundreds of additional laws? Are they equally as important or are they just traditions of men?

    "...avoid practices that could shorten our life..." - What are these exactly? Do they include mountain climbing, driving on the autobahn, parachuting??

    23 "[Jehovah] gives to all persons life and breath and all things." (Acts 17:24, 25) Life is a gift from God. We love the Giver, so we want to show respect for the gift. We shun any habits or practices that are detrimental to our health, for we recognize that such practices show a gross disrespect for the gift of life.-Psalm 36:9.

    "We shun any habits or practices that are detrimental to our health" - What are they? Is the consumption of soft drinks one of them considering you are more likely to get diabetes?
    24 "You must love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:39) Unclean habits and practices often affect not only the practicer but also those around him. For example, exposure to secondhand smoke can have a harmful effect on nonsmokers. An individual who hurts those around him is violating the divine requirement that we love our neighbor. He also belies any claim that he loves God.-1 John 4:20, 21.

    "An individual who hurts those around him is violating the divine requirement that we love our neighbor" - How much hurt and pain is being caused by the WTS in enforcing its shunning/disfelowshipping policy? How many spent time in jail because the WTS said they could not do civilian service? How many people have been hurt due to the premature loss of a loved one because of the WTS doctrine of NO Blood, and how many have died unnecessarily?

    25 "Be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers." (Titus 3:1) In many lands, the possession or use of certain drugs is a violation of the law. As true Christians, we do not possess or use illegal drugs.-Romans 13:1.

    "Be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers." (Titus 3:1) - What they mean is relative subjection to the law of the land but absolute subjection to WTS

    Q26. (a) To remain in God's love, what do we need to do? (b) Why is keeping clean in God's eyes the best way to live?26 To remain in God's love, we need to keep clean, not just in one or two respects but in all respects. Abandoning and keeping clear of defiling habits and practices may not be easy, but it is possible. Really, there is no better way to live, for Jehovah always teaches us to benefit ourselves. (Isaiah 48:17) Most important, by keeping clean we can have the satisfaction that comes from knowing that we are reflecting favorably on the God we love, thereby remaining in his love.

    "...reflecting favorably on the God we love" or reflecting favorably on the WTS conscience of what a member of their religion should look like?
    [Box/Picture on page 94]

    Principle: "I pummel my body and lead it as a slave, that, after I have preached to others, I myself should not become disapproved somehow."-1 Corinthians 9:27.

    Some questions to ask yourself

    - When I first feel the urge to engage in some defiling habit, do I pray for God's spirit to help me resist the impulse?-Matthew 6:13.

    - How do the people I associate with, the movies I watch, and the music I listen to affect my determination to remain free from bad habits?-1 Peter 4:3, 4.

    - Why does performing good works not justify sinful conduct?-Matthew 23:25-28.

    - Why am I willing to suffer in the same way that Jesus suffered for doing God's will?-1 Peter 2:21; 4:1.

    - How would I explain to someone why I choose not to smoke?-Romans 12:1, 2.

    - Do I realize that having a relapse with regard to some unclean practice does not mean that I am a complete failure?-Romans 7:21-25.

    [Box on page 96]
    "At age 15," says Helen, "I was smoking cigarettes every day and drinking alcohol with my friends on weekends. Later, although I was now a single mother with three children, I became addicted to crack cocaine. My life was a mess. However, I started studying the Bible, and with Jehovah's help, I cleaned up my life and broke free from my addictions. It was a real struggle, especially to give up using cocaine. I think it would have been impossible for me to make these changes on my own. But now I can truly say that in my life, I have seen proof of Jesus' words: 'With God all things are possible.'"-Matthew 19:26.

    Name has been changed.

  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks, had to print this and run, at least I have an idea what the cultteach will be this week.

  • blondie

    Many newer jws who came in long after 1973 don't realize that using tobacco, betel nut, coca leaves was not a matter of physical health but was/is considered spiritism and that is the basis of df'ing.

    *** w73 6/1 pp. 338-339 par. 15 Keeping God’s Congregation Clean in the Time of His Judgment ***The Scriptural evidence points to the conclusion that they do not. As has been explained in other issues of this magazine, the Greek word phar·ma·ki´a used by Bible writers and translated "practice of spiritism" or "spiritistic practices" has the initial meaning of "druggery." (Gal. 5:20; Rev. 9:21) The term came to refer to spiritistic practices because of the close connection between the use of drugs and spiritism. Tobacco was also used initially by the American Indians in this way. It can properly be placed, therefore, in the category of addictive drugs like those that provided the source for the Greek term phar·ma·ki´a. The nicotine in tobacco does not have the same mental and emotional effects produced by "hard" drugs such as heroin or the so-called psychedelic drugs like LSD; yet nicotine addiction does definitely affect the mind and exercises a strong enslavement. In Europe at the close of World War II, in some instances cigarettes were worth more than money. Reportedly, prostitutes sold themselves for a few cigarettes, and ordinary people sacrificed even food ration coupons to obtain tobacco.

    The pre-Christian Greek SeptuagintVersion uses the related Greek word phar´ma·kon (meaning literally "drug," but translated as "sorcery") at least five times. Idolatrous Queen Jezebel of ancient Israel practiced such phar´ma·kon (in the plural number) or "sorcery." (2 Ki. 9:22, LXX) She was executed by King Jehu acting as Jehovah’s executioner. Those who patronized the professional "sorcerers" or practicers of spiritism also participated in spiritistic practices and were condemned.

    It is little wonder, then, that, in these days of widespread addiction to drugs and the growing use of tobacco, those indulging in such things should come under judicial observation. Jehovah God, the Supreme Judge, is at his spiritual temple and is specially scrutinizing those who profess to worship him in that holy place. He has promised to be a speedy witness against the sorcerers or the practicers of spiritism, which from ancient times onward had a connection with habit-forming, enslaving drugs.
  • blondie

    *** g78 1/8 p. 28 Why Not Smoke? ***Consider a further point. Nicotine addiction affects the mind detrimentally and produces enslavement. Hence, it may be classed with addictive drugs, such as those that provided the source for the Greek term pha·ma·ki´a, initially meaning "druggery." Due to the close connection between drug use and spiritism, this Greek word came to be associated with spiritistic practices. In fact, it was used by Bible writers and has been rendered "practice of spiritism" and "spiritistic practices" in passages that clearly condemn spiritism. (Gal. 5:20, 21; Rev. 9:20, 21) Therefore, persons who have not broken their addiction to tobacco do not qualify for baptism in symbol of an acceptable dedication to God.

  • insearchoftruth

    Following is what they will read from the TMS book this week.....

    No. 2: Help to Overcome Our Fears (lr chap. 30)

    DO YOU find it easy to serve Jehovah?— The Great Teacher didn’t say it would be easy to do. The night before Jesus was killed, he told his apostles: “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you.”—John 15:18.

    Peter bragged that he would never leave Jesus, but Jesus said that Peter would deny knowing him three times that very night. And this is exactly what Peter did! (Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75) How could such a thing happen?— It happened because Peter became afraid, and so did the other apostles.

    Do you know why the apostles became afraid?— They had failed to do something very important. Learning about this can help us to serve Jehovah, no matter what anyone may say or do to us. To begin with, though, we need to review what happened on the last night that Jesus spent with his apostles.

    First, they celebrate the Passover together. This was a special meal held every year to remind God’s people of their deliverance from slavery in Egypt. Then Jesus introduces another special meal with them. We will discuss it in a later chapter and explain how that meal helps us to remember Jesus. After that meal and after words of encouragement to his apostles, Jesus takes them out to the garden of Gethsemane. This is a favorite place they have often visited.

    Jesus goes off by himself in the garden to pray. He also tells Peter, James, and John to pray. But they fall asleep. Three times Jesus goes away by himself to pray, and three times he comes back to find Peter and the others sleeping! (Matthew 26:36-47) Do you know why they should have stayed awake to pray?— Let’s talk about this.

    Judas Iscariot was at the Passover with Jesus and the other apostles earlier that evening. As you may remember, Judas had become a thief. Now he becomes a traitor. He knows about the place in the garden of Gethsemane where Jesus has often met together with his apostles. So Judas brings soldiers there to arrest Jesus. When they arrive, Jesus asks them: “Whom are you looking for?”

    The soldiers reply: “Jesus.” Jesus is not afraid, so he answers: “I am he.” The soldiers are so surprised by Jesus’ courage that they draw back and fall to the ground. Then Jesus says: ‘If it is I you are looking for, let my apostles go.’—John 18:1-9.

    When the soldiers grab Jesus and tie him up, the apostles become afraid and run away. But Peter and John want to find out what happens, so they follow at a distance. Eventually, Jesus is brought to the home of Caiaphas, the high priest. Since John is known to the high priest, the gatekeeper lets him and Peter into the courtyard.

    The priests have already come together at the home of Caiaphas to have a trial. They want to have Jesus put to death. So they bring in witnesses who tell lies about him. The people hit Jesus with their fists and slap him. While all of this is happening, Peter is nearby.

    A servant girl, the gatekeeper who let Peter and John in, notices Peter. “You, too, were with Jesus!” she says. But Peter denies even knowing Jesus. After a while another girl recognizes Peter and says to those standing by: “This man was with Jesus.” Again Peter denies knowing him. Sometime later a group of people see Peter and say to him: “Certainly you also are one of them.” For the third time Peter denies it, saying: “I do not know the man!” Peter even swears that he is telling the truth, and Jesus turns and looks at him.—Matthew 26:57-75; Luke 22:54-62; John 18:15-27.

    Do you know why Peter lied?— Yes, because he was afraid. But why was he afraid? What had he failed to do to build up his courage? Think about it. What had Jesus done to gain courage?— He had prayed to God, and God helped him to have courage. And remember, Jesus had told Peter three times to pray and to stay awake and to keep on the watch. But what had happened?—

    Each time, Peter fell asleep. He did not pray, and he did not keep watching. So he was taken by surprise when Jesus was arrested. Later at the trial, when they hit Jesus and made plans to have him put to death, Peter got scared. Yet, just a few hours before, what did Jesus tell his apostles to expect?— Jesus told them that just as the world had hated him, it would hate them too.

    Now let’s think of something that could happen to us that is like what happened to Peter. Suppose you are in a classroom when others start to say bad things about people who do not salute the flag or who do not celebrate Christmas. Then what if someone turns to you and asks: “Is it true you don’t salute the flag?” Or others say: “We hear you don’t even celebrate Christmas!” Would you be afraid to tell the truth?— Would you be tempted to lie, as Peter did?—

    Afterward, Peter was very sorry that he had denied knowing Jesus. When he realized what he had done, he went outside and cried. Yes, he returned to Jesus. (Luke 22:32) Now think about it. What can help us not to become so afraid that we say something like Peter did?— Remember, Peter had failed to pray and to keep on the watch. So, what would you say that we need to do to be a follower of the Great Teacher?—

    We certainly need to pray to Jehovah for help. When Jesus prayed, do you know what God did for him?— He sent an angel to strengthen him. (Luke 22:43) Can God’s angels help us?— The Bible says: “The angel of Jehovah is camping all around those fearing him, and he rescues them.” (Psalm 34:7) But to receive God’s help, we need to do more than pray for it. Do you know what else we need to do?— Jesus told his followers to stay awake and keep on the watch. How would you say we can do that?—

    We need to listen carefully to what is said at our Christian meetings and to pay attention to what we read from the Bible. But we also need to pray to Jehovah regularly and to ask him to help us serve him. If we do, we will receive help to overcome our fears. Then we will be glad when we have an opportunity to tell others about the Great Teacher and his Father.

    These scriptures can help us never to let fear of other people hold us back from doing what is right: Proverbs 29:25; Jeremiah 26:12-15, 20-24; and John 12:42, 43.

  • WTWizard

    OK, so I will admit that smoking is a filthy habit (I do not smoke). It pollutes your lungs, and poisons your body. It also gets into everything, which makes extra work to clean things. It is also a big waste of your time and money, since the benefits almost always come way short of the cost.

    But I can think of other things that the witlesses do regularly, and are encouraged to, that are at least as filthy. What about the pio-sneers that stop at McDonald's every single day for lunch (and sometimes for supper as well, now that the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger wants the witlesses out to hunt for men in the evening)? Now, doing that for a treat is not going to kill anyone--but what happens when you eat there every day? Even McDonald's classifies a "heavy user" as one that eats there one meal per week, and a "super heavy user" as one that eats there three or more meals per week. Pio-sneers are often "super heavy users", since they often eat there 5-7 times per week. Which can be as bad as, to worse than, smoking.

    Sleep deprivation is also a defilement, if it is done all the time and for the sake of the religion. The witlesses are urged to get enough sleep in the rags--yet, you see them getting hounded to do more field circus. On top of that, they almost always have crap jobs because they could not go to college. If they cut back on field circus so they can get more sleep, Brother Hounder is going to tell them that they need to cut back on sleep so they can get more field circus. Remember, they have official field circus running from 5:30 in the morning until late night letter writing, so there is about 20 hours a day, 7 days a week, when people can do field circus (and, where casinos are common, they can do street work almost all night).

    I also wonder what percentage of witlesses drink more than 6 cups of coffee (a cup is 6 ounces, not 32) or more than 3 sodas (a soda is a standard 12 ounce can, not a 64 ounce Super Gulp) in the course of a regular day. The ones I have seen are often drinking coffee by the liter and pop by the gallon, since that is all they are allowed to do (and they have to stay out in stifling heat). I generally had orange juice (which has plenty of vitamins and magnesium to go along with its sugar, unlike soda which has almost none). I suppose that they could switch out a soda for a water (every 12 ounce soda not drunk saves 180 calories or a good dose of poison; a water has zero calories). However, that is not popular since most of those witlesses are too busy in field circus to get home for water.

    We could add the filth from excessive driving (most of which is in the city, often looking for houses), suit dry cleanings (the fumes from the chemicals, even without smoke, add pollution), outgassing of noxious fumes from Kingdumb Hell carpets and particleboard (those places are almost always so poorly ventilated that formaldehyde stays there almost forever), and the filth picked up going from door to door. And, the filth picked up from the littera-trash fumes (and the ink itself). Plus, the stress of always being in a rush adds its load of defilement.

    And you thought smoking was bad?

  • boyzone

    How many really fat brothers and sisters do you know? I know loads that have put on weight over the years and would now be classed as obese. I'm not talking about the occassional medical cause either but just through stuffing your face too much. Would this be classed as a filthy habit detrimental to your health?

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    'Some questions to ask yourself'

    Thanks for reminding me why I no longer attend these wastefests. Every meeting is about questions...that I am supposed to ask myself.

    I'd like to ask them a few - mainly about their dalliance with the UN, the pedophile issue, where all the money is, on what basis they consider themselves to be God's spokesman on earth etc...but we all know where that goes.

    'Filth from excessive driving' - thanks for that nugget, WT Wizard. So true. Witness' driving to and from meetings has got to be one of the biggest contributions to pollution out there - so glad I no longer contribute!

    Thanks for all your efforts, Lukewarm, on this weekly expose of their hypocrisy. It knows no bounds.

  • undercover

    Many newer jws who came in long after 1973 don't realize that using tobacco, betel nut, coca leaves was not a matter of physical health but was/is considered spiritism and that is the basis of df'ing.

    Thanks for those quotes, Blondie. Like smoking a Camel is going to invite a demon over for a seance.

    Wouldn't that make for an interesting discussion with a dub... Ask why smoking is a DFing offense and see if they can give the answer using the spiritism angle. Once they commit to "it's harmful and we're to present our bodies as something holy" you can spring this on them and watch them squirm.

  • Goshawk


    How many really fat brothers and sisters do you know? I know loads that have put on weight over the years and would now be classed as obese. I'm not talking about the occassional medical cause either but just through stuffing your face too much. Would this be classed as a filthy habit detrimental to your health?

    Most of the medical journals have run articles about lack of sleep and / or stress leading to weight gain. Reduction of physical activity w/o the reduction of comsumed calories usually being the cause.

    Pressure to do more and sacrifice sleep can be a prescription for poor health.

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