*** lv chap. 8 pp. 86-96 God Loves Clean People ***
Q19. To keep ourselves physically clean, what do we need to avoid, and how does the Bible help us in this regard?19 To keep ourselves physically clean, we need to avoid defiling habits and practices, such as smoking, abusing alcohol, and the nonmedical use of addictive or mind-altering substances. The Bible does not specifically name all the unclean and disgusting habits and practices that are prevalent today, but it does contain principles that enable us to perceive how Jehovah must feel about such things. Because we know Jehovah's view of matters, our love for him moves us to take the course that brings his approval. Let us consider five Scriptural principles.
"The Bible does not specifically name all the unclean and disgusting habits..." - Yet the WTS has regulated and imposed its laws even punishing non-conformity via announcements of disassociation/disfellowshipping. Where is the allowance for individuals to exercise their conscience based on "principles" contained in the Bible and make individual decisions?
"...we know Jehovah's view of matters..." - Does this relate to the doctrine they are teaching currently? Do all disagreements with WTS current "truths" demonstrate that an individual does not know God?
Q20, 21. Jehovah wants us to be free of what type of practices, and what powerful reason do we have to comply?20 "Since we have these promises, beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in God's fear." (2 Corinthians 7:1) Jehovah wants us to be free of practices that pollute our fleshly body and damage our spirit, or dominant mental inclination. We must therefore avoid addictive behaviors that are known to be harmful to physical and mental health.
"...be free of practices that pollute our fleshly body and damage our spirit" - Does that include caffeine intake? What about not being in a healthy relationship, the lack of sleep, eating junk food, stress etc?
21 The Bible gives a powerful reason for us to "cleanse ourselves of every defilement." Notice that 2 Corinthians 7:1 begins by saying: "Since we have these promises." What promises? As mentioned in the preceding verses, Jehovah promises: "I will take you in. And I shall be a father to you." (2 Corinthians 6:17, 18) Just imagine: Jehovah promises to put you under his protective care and to love you as a father does a son or a daughter. But Jehovah will fulfill these promises only if you avoid defilements of "flesh and spirit." How foolish it would be, then, to allow any disgusting habit or practice to rob you of such a precious and close relationship with Jehovah!
"...any disgusting habit..." - Why not elaborate what they are?
"Jehovah promises: "I will take you in. And I shall be a father to you." (2 Corinthians 6:17, 18)" - According to WTS doctrine, the great crowd are FRIENDS of God NOT sons. They also say New Testament is written for the anointed, so how does this apply to the majority that will be present in the consideration of this study?
How can the great crowd have a "close relationship with Jehovah" when they are told that they cannot even have a relationship with Jesus because he is not their mediator?
Q22-25. What Scriptural principles can help us to avoid unclean habits and practices?22 "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind." (Matthew 22:37) Jesus singled out this commandment as the greatest of all. (Matthew 22:38) Jehovah deserves such love from us. To love him with our whole heart, soul, and mind, we must avoid practices that could shorten our life or dull our God-given thinking abilities.
"Jesus singled out this commandment as the greatest of all." So why has the WTS burdened jw's with hundreds of additional laws? Are they equally as important or are they just traditions of men?
"...avoid practices that could shorten our life..." - What are these exactly? Do they include mountain climbing, driving on the autobahn, parachuting??
23 "[Jehovah] gives to all persons life and breath and all things." (Acts 17:24, 25) Life is a gift from God. We love the Giver, so we want to show respect for the gift. We shun any habits or practices that are detrimental to our health, for we recognize that such practices show a gross disrespect for the gift of life.-Psalm 36:9.
"We shun any habits or practices that are detrimental to our health" - What are they? Is the consumption of soft drinks one of them considering you are more likely to get diabetes?
24 "You must love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:39) Unclean habits and practices often affect not only the practicer but also those around him. For example, exposure to secondhand smoke can have a harmful effect on nonsmokers. An individual who hurts those around him is violating the divine requirement that we love our neighbor. He also belies any claim that he loves God.-1 John 4:20, 21.
"An individual who hurts those around him is violating the divine requirement that we love our neighbor" - How much hurt and pain is being caused by the WTS in enforcing its shunning/disfelowshipping policy? How many spent time in jail because the WTS said they could not do civilian service? How many people have been hurt due to the premature loss of a loved one because of the WTS doctrine of NO Blood, and how many have died unnecessarily?
25 "Be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers." (Titus 3:1) In many lands, the possession or use of certain drugs is a violation of the law. As true Christians, we do not possess or use illegal drugs.-Romans 13:1.
"Be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers." (Titus 3:1) - What they mean is relative subjection to the law of the land but absolute subjection to WTS
Q26. (a) To remain in God's love, what do we need to do? (b) Why is keeping clean in God's eyes the best way to live?26 To remain in God's love, we need to keep clean, not just in one or two respects but in all respects. Abandoning and keeping clear of defiling habits and practices may not be easy, but it is possible. Really, there is no better way to live, for Jehovah always teaches us to benefit ourselves. (Isaiah 48:17) Most important, by keeping clean we can have the satisfaction that comes from knowing that we are reflecting favorably on the God we love, thereby remaining in his love.
"...reflecting favorably on the God we love" or reflecting favorably on the WTS conscience of what a member of their religion should look like?
[Box/Picture on page 94]
Principle: "I pummel my body and lead it as a slave, that, after I have preached to others, I myself should not become disapproved somehow."-1 Corinthians 9:27.
Some questions to ask yourself
- When I first feel the urge to engage in some defiling habit, do I pray for God's spirit to help me resist the impulse?-Matthew 6:13.
- How do the people I associate with, the movies I watch, and the music I listen to affect my determination to remain free from bad habits?-1 Peter 4:3, 4.
- Why does performing good works not justify sinful conduct?-Matthew 23:25-28.
- Why am I willing to suffer in the same way that Jesus suffered for doing God's will?-1 Peter 2:21; 4:1.
- How would I explain to someone why I choose not to smoke?-Romans 12:1, 2.
- Do I realize that having a relapse with regard to some unclean practice does not mean that I am a complete failure?-Romans 7:21-25.
[Box on page 96]
"At age 15," says Helen, "I was smoking cigarettes every day and drinking alcohol with my friends on weekends. Later, although I was now a single mother with three children, I became addicted to crack cocaine. My life was a mess. However, I started studying the Bible, and with Jehovah's help, I cleaned up my life and broke free from my addictions. It was a real struggle, especially to give up using cocaine. I think it would have been impossible for me to make these changes on my own. But now I can truly say that in my life, I have seen proof of Jesus' words: 'With God all things are possible.'"-Matthew 19:26.
Name has been changed.