I watched a couple of episodes of "Inside" on NatGeo last night. These two episodes were, "Inside a Cult" and followed the cult led by Wayne Bent (who calls himself Michael Travesser) who claims he is divinity and humanity in one and that he is the Messiah.
The guy's a true whack job. He prophesied the end of the world on October 31, 2007. Guess what...it didn't happen, yet the majority of his followers remained.
Bent went to jail for improper sexual contact with an underage girl who was in the cult. He had other sexual contact with other member's wives, including his own daughter-in-law.
During the two episodes they had snippets of interviews with professionals who deal with people who get involved with cults. They went into how people will change their own reality to conform with their beliefs, especially after an 'end times' prophecy has failed. Sound familiar?
The one moment of the show that gave me chill bumps came from the underage girl that Bent "lay naked with". Even though authorities charged him and he was found guilty of most of the charges involving this girl, she herself is still enamored with this guy. She believes he is the Messiah and looks forward to consumating their relationship. Her parents have left the cult.
But they showed a clip of her talking when she said that some people had claimed that she was "brainwashed" and I can only paraphrase what she said but it wen to something like, "Yea, Michael gave my brain a good washing and it is now clean of the evil and wicked thoughts of the world".
The main things about the cult don't relate to JWs....one Messianic leader who has sexual contact with members; live on a compound; give all their money/possessions to the leader...but many of the details were spooky JW like. Shunning former members, not being part of the world, looking forward to destruction of all the wicked and of course that brainwashing quote, which has been in WT publications.
As Bent was on trial, former members came to town to watch the trial and they showed them gathering and talking about being part of the cult. One son left the cult and had to leave his parents behind. Another girl had left and her parents were still in. It showed her attempting to have some dialog with her mom outside the courthouse. It was truly disturbing to watch, from our perspective. It could have been a group of ex-JWs watching the trial of a JW pedophile and DFd/DAd members trying to reach out to JW parents/family.
No real point to this thread/post other than to get it out of my system since I laid awake for quite some time reflecting on the show and the comparisons and it's still on my mind this morning.