Does anyone have a copy of the Awake that has an article about celebrations and anniversaries? I need to be able to get a download of it, not just re-typed but an actual photo copy of the page. You know how JW's are if they dont see it in its original format they will say that it was added to or copied wrong. I think it was an Answers to Questions page ,but not sure ,I do know that it specifically spoke about NOT haveing large anniversary celebrations, but instead for it to be a quiet small celebration. My in-laws are having a large ALL witness 50th MY husband and my self are invited even though they can't stand me and blame me for him leaving the BORG. So I thought along with our RSVP stating we would not be there I would include this article with it. They have always nitpicked everything we do in our lives so I guess its time to give a bit back. So if some one has this aticle please paste it on this site so I can copy and print it out, or a lionk to a download. THANK YOU.
PLEASE- I need the Awake article on Celebrating Anniversaries
by annalice 8 Replies latest jw friends
twinkle toes
Frankly, there is no need for a Christian to celebrate either. Still, that does not mean that the two are equal in import or that Christians must view the former (wedding anniversaries) as they do birthday celebrations.
As noted, it can be said that both are anniversaries because an "anniversary" is ‘the annual recurrence of a date marking some event.’ It could be an anniversary of any event—the day you had an automobile accident, saw an eclipse of the moon, went swimming with your family, and so on. It is clear that Christians do not turn every "anniversary" into a special day or have a party to commemorate it. One should consider the aspects of an event and decide what is fitting.
For example, God specifically instructed the Israelites to celebrate annually the day when his angel passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt and the resulting exodus of his people in 1513 B.C.E. (Exodus 12:14) When Jews, including Jesus, subsequently commemorated the anniversary of that event, it was in obedience to God’s direction, and they did not do so with a party or with gift-giving. The Jews also treated as special the anniversary of the rededication of the temple. Though commemorating this historical event was not commanded in the Bible, John 10:22, 23 suggests that Jesus was not critical of its being done. Finally, Christians have a special meeting on the anniversary of Jesus’ death. Of course, this is done out of obedience to a clear command found in God’s Word.—Luke 22:19, 20.
What about wedding anniversaries? In some lands it is common for husband and wife to take note of the anniversary of their entering the marital state, an arrangement that God originated. (Genesis 2:18-24; Matthew 19:4-6) Certainly, the Bible does not put marriage in a bad light. Jesus both attended a marriage celebration and contributed to the pleasure of the occasion.—John 2:1-11.
It thus would not be strange that a couple might on their wedding anniversary take time to reflect on the joyfulness of that event and on their resolve to work for success as a couple. Whether they focus on this happy occasion in private, just as a couple, or they have a few relatives or close friends with them would be for them to decide. The occasion should not become a mere excuse for a large social gathering. On this occasion Christians would want to be guided by the principles that apply every day of their lives. So whether one takes note of a wedding anniversary or not is a personal matter.—Romans 13:13, 14.
What, though, about taking special note of a birthday? Do we have any indications from the Bible about such an anniversary?
Well, early in this century, Bible Students, as Jehovah’s Witnesses were then known, did take note of birthdays. Many of them kept small books called DailyHeavenlyManna. These contained a Bible text for each day, and many Christians put a tiny photograph on the pages corresponding to the birthdays of fellow Bible Students. Also, TheWatchTower of February 15, 1909, related that at a convention in Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.A., Brother Russell, then president of the Society, was ushered onto the platform. Why? He was given a surprise birthday present of some boxes of grapefruit, pineapples, and oranges. That gives us a glimpse of the past. To put matters in their context, recall that during that period, Bible Students also commemorated December 25 as the anniversary of Jesus’ birth, or birthday. It was even customary to have Christmas dinner at the Brooklyn headquarters.
Of course, since then God’s people have grown spiritually in many respects. In the 1920’s increased light of truth enabled them to see the following:
Jesus was not born on December 25, a date linked to pagan religion. The Bible directs us to commemorate the date of Jesus’ death, not the anniversary of his or anyone else’s birth. Doing so accords with Ecclesiastes 7:1 and the fact that how a faithful person’s life turns out is more important than the day of his birth. The Bible has no record that any faithful servant celebrated his birthday. It records birthday celebrations of pagans, linking these occasions with cruel acts. Let us get the background of those birthday anniversaries.
The first is the birthday of the Pharaoh in Joseph’s day. (Genesis 40:20-23) In this regard, the article on birthdays in Hastings’ EncyclopædiaofReligionandEthics begins: "The custom of commemorating the day of birth is connected, in its form, with the reckoning of time, and, in its content, with certain primitive religious principles." Later, the encyclopedia quotes Egyptologist Sir J. Gardner Wilkinson, who wrote: "Every Egyptian attached much importance to the day, and even to the hour of his birth; and it is probable that, as in Persia, each individual kept his birthday with great rejoicings, welcoming his friends with all the amusements of society, and a more than usual profusion of the delicacies of the table."
Another birthday celebration mentioned in the Bible is Herod’s, at which John the Baptist was beheaded. (Matthew 14:6-10) TheInternationalStandardBibleEncyclopedia (1979 edition) provides this insight: "The pre-Hellenistic Greeks celebrated the birthdays of gods and prominent men. G[ree]k genéthlia designated these celebrations, while genésia meant a celebration commemorative of the birthday of a deceased important individual. In 2 Macc[abees] 6:7 we find reference to a monthly genéthlia of Antiochus IV, during which the Jews were forced to ‘partake of the sacrifices.’ . . . When Herod celebrated his birthday he was acting in accord with a Hellenistic custom; there is no evidence for the celebration of birthdays in Israel in pre-Hellenistic times."
Admittedly, true Christians today are not preoccupied with the roots and possible ancient religious connections of every practice or custom, but neither are they inclined to ignore pointed indications that do exist in God’s Word. This includes that the only birthday celebrations of Biblical record are of pagans and linked to instances of cruelty. Hence, the Scriptures clearly place birthday celebrations in a negative light, a fact that sincere Christians do not disregard.
Consequently, while it is entirely a private matter if Christians choose to take note of their wedding anniversary, there are good reasons why mature Christians abstain from celebrating birthdays.
Here's a link that I did a couple of years ago and it's got the scanned copies of it. Of course, I added the "WTF", but it's still there for them to see:
TT, interesting article, the authour seems to forget, ot not know, that, even though, according to him, the JW stooped celebrating Christmas and Bdays in 1920, before that in 1919 Jesus had chosent them as being the only organization in the truth, even though they were, at that time, celebrating BDays and Christmas.
The author also seems to not know or forget that the WT did celebrate Christams for years AFTER 1920.
Mickey mouse
Without the "WTF"!
The hypocrisy is absolutely stunning: A wedding anniversary is simply marking the "Birthday" of a marriage. All the usual criticisms they hurl at celebrating birthdays - glorifying individuals, why need a date on a calendar to cherish someone, pagan origins, etc - can be hurled at celebrating anniversaries. Absolute hypocrisy!!
Ridiculous article. My nephew's birthday was at the beginning of the month so I sent him an e-mail wishing him a Happy Uncle's Day explaining it was the anniversary of me becoming an Uncle. It was my way of acknowledging his birthday, but not making him uncomfortable.
I never believed birthdays were wrong. I always thought that Job's children were celebrating each others birthdays.
Job 1:4 "And his sons went and held a banquet at the house of each one on his own day; and they sent and invited their three sisters to eat and drink with them."
Did anyone else think that?
Mickey mouse
The Living Bible would agree with you:
"Every year when each of Job's sons had a birthday, he invited his brothers and sisters to his house for a celebration. On these occasions they would eat and drink with great merriment." Job 1:4.
Oh wow Thank you Mickey mouse
So much for their great spiritual understanding and most accurate translation