Ruining the Earth

by zarco 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • zarco

    An interesting quote from the August 24 Newsweek on page 66.

    "Over the past three decades America's rivers, lakes and skies have been transformed. Acid rain levels have dropped 60 percent since the early 1990s; air quality has improved 91 percent since 1980 in terms of lead content. the Hudson River is much much cleaner that its been in 100 years".

    When you add to that quote the expanding lifespan of humans in this generation, a pretty darn good case could be made that the world is getting to be a much better place to live.

    It must be tough for those waiting for critical times to see such massive progress.


  • leavingwt

    Great find.

    Thank you for sharing it with us.

  • zarco


    Just read your post on life expectancy. Interesting times to be predicting the world's demise.

  • carla

    Well, go around spouting news like that and you will just piss off the jw's! First there's you with things looking up environmentally, then someone else has a thread on increased life expectancy..... what next?

    aww, gotta feel sorry for the gloom and doomers when they meet up with someone who actually appreciates the world they live in, warts and all.

    thanks for sharing!

  • villabolo

    Sorry to be the party pooper but a trivial adjustment in the death rate and some beneficial effects of regulation in Americas rivers does not indicate good news. One can recite a litany of woe worldwide and give a much more realistic picture. As far as the JWs relishing every tidbit and morsel of negative news my response to them is that even if civilization collapses it will not be the way they predicted.

  • WTWizard

    What I will say, and there is little room to argue, is that the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery is putting more than its fair share of filth in the environment. The printing presses take coal-generated electricity to run (putting filth in the air). Filth is put in the air when they cut down all those trees, ship them to the processing plants, ship the paper to Beth Hell, and distribute it to the congregations, as well. And, let's not forget the fact that the witlesses are polluting by distributing the littera-trash in the territory.

    For all the pollution they generate, they produce negative value--intended to get enough people to believe their lies so they can seize control of the government and plunge the whole world into the Second Dark Ages. I, for one, would not say that's enough value to warrant the pollution, plus that further pollutes society.

  • zarco

    WTWizard- And think of all the gasoline burned, cars worn out, and tire polution resulting from the door to door ministry.

    Villabolo - the life expectancy change is dramatic when compared to prior centuries. I think the old zarco would be about dead by now if I lived in the middle ages and darn near dead if I lived in the 1800s. Bottom line the health, economy, life-span of the world is at an all time high. Environmentaly the world is much improved over the past 50 years - but still there is much work to do in this area.


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