My JW brother-in-law just told me that he heard that Bill Cosby only uses JW's as servants because they are the only ones that he can trust not to rob him. Has anyone ever heard this? I'm sure it's not true, but I can't find it on snopes. What have you heard?
Bill Cosby Only Uses JW's as Servants
by Mrs. Witness 9 Replies latest jw friends
The only way to find out for sure is to ask Bill Cosby. Anything else is just hearsay.
edited to add: At circuit assemblies here they often referred to a payroll company that employs only JWs 'because they are honest'. I know a lot of people in that company. The truth of the matter is that many JWs are hired there not because of their alleged honesty, but because several of the departments employ only part timers, which makes it suitable for JWs who are pioneering. The JWs I knew all hold low level positions there. Most of the employees were "worldly" people.
when i heard the story, it was johnny carson
My JW brother-in-law just told me that he heard that Bill Cosby only uses JW's as servants because they are the only ones that he can trust not to rob him.
This would imply that no stealing would EVER take place at Bethel!
This is not true. Another rumor.
When I wAS in bondage (WT)I went to the Boss at "THE BAY" begged him to hire witnesses ,
because they could work part time .I believe that is the reason why they are hired
They would collect ONE salary ( & split it) because the three of them were as ONE employee -
believing that and spreading that is an insult to all those who go into peoples homes to work and never think to steal anything, and some do this without being under the watchful eye of Jehovah, they are just good, honest people.
Big Tex
when i heard the story, it was johnny carson
Me too. It's a JW urban legend, similar to the John Denver concert story.
As an aside, the worst vendors/contractors I ever used were always Jehovah's Witnesses. Incompetent is the nicest thing I could say about them.
:This would imply that no stealing would EVER take place at Bethel!
Originally, the rooms in Bethel had no locks, but stealing became so rampant they had to install them. If that happens at Bethel, what can one conclude happens in the obviously LESS "spiritual" environs of the rank and file?
I had a JW teen work for me. He stole about $350 worth of stuff from one of my customers and I had to repay the loss. His mother apologized and that was it!
AK - Jeff
Most of my experience dealing with witnesses in business was not favorable. The one exception was my short tenure working for a brother in Texas who was far more than fair on every level. He, conspicuously, was not considered among the 'spiritual minded' ones in the congregation. But he was damned fair and honest.
I cannot say anything like that about the other witnesses I was involved with - I was always shorted somewhere along the line. One elder in this area is notorious for that. Of course he would be a bastard no matter what religion he claimed I suppose.