Speak Truth

by etna 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • etna

    My wife got back from the meeting yesterday, and she couldn't believe the topic for the wt study "Speak Truth with your Neighbor". Anyway they were commenting and someone said that its ok to streach the truth if your talking to "wicked" people. But in paragraph 7 they said that if an elder asks you personal questions you have to cooperate and the truth so they can carry out their assigned duties. What a load of rubbish!!!

    When my daughter got ds (she was 20 and had sex with her fiance and was riddled with guilt and went to the elders instead of me first) 3 elders ranging from 35 - 59 years old, talked and questioned her, the most intimate questions (she wouldn't tell me everything they asked as she was embarrassed). I was fuming and spoke to the elders and said, calmly why was she getting ds as she was showing repentance coming forward, otherwise they wouldn't of known anything. They said I didn't know the whole story. But I did and even showed them from their publications all about repentance, but they were out to get her so they did. Anyway I'm just letting off steam as when I saw that article I couldn't stop thinking of how blind I was for 35years and how hypocritical most of them are..

  • fokyc

    They couldn'e even tell the truth in the meeting at Sister Fokyc's KH yesterday,

    when discussing "Speak Truth With Your Neighbour". But they call it 'the truth'!

    I can agree with 'etna' on his experiences with elders, to discuss anything with 'loving elders',

    IS just asking for disaster, they are amoral (Lacking moral sensibility; not caring about right and wrong.)

    I do have over 55 years experience of this bunch.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I can get a JW to lie to me within 5 minutes MAX, and that is WITHOUT trying.

    That includes my own kids, wife and parents. They should know by now that I know more about their religion than they do, but they still try it on.



  • bluecanary

    Just curious, etna, how does your daughter feel about it now?

  • etna

    Well bluecanary, you won't believe it, but because her husband's family are in the "truth" they started to go to the meetings, even after her mother-in-law called her a slut and tried to dig up as much dirt on her as she could, without prevail. Now she is re-instated and he hubby is baptized and they have a new son, everything is fogotten by her in-laws(arseholes). Now Ihave remarried and my wife is ds and trying to go back, because both our families won't talk to us. Our kids have said that they have been told that they want our grandchildren to survive ARMAGGEDON. So we are being blackmailed to go back until reinstated and then we will slowly drift away. How's that for emotional blackmail and listening to men. If anyone says to me it is not a cult, I could just about scream. What I have seen and heard about so much hypocricy is unbeleivable and I thank God for sites like this where we can tell our stories. At least thereis somewhere where we can tell the truth and be truthful..

  • shamus100


    I have heard far far worse that were true.

    35 years... uugh. Better start making up for it and fade fast, fast, fast. Quit going today.

  • etna

    You are right shamus. I haven't been ds but because my wife has, its a difficult situation. I read Barbara Anderson's story and I can't imagine not seeing my grandson(even if its for a short time).

    I haven't been hypocritical just haven't spoken out.

  • LuciousVBogeymanProd

    Supercurious. ANyone interested in speaking truth to their neighbor should join my army.

    Read here:

    "I,*state your name*, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the TRUTH against all enemies, secular and religious; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that when I have put away falsehood I will speak truth to my brothers (Ephesians 4:25) with no regard for personal gain or comfort for I know we are all members of one body and that the TRUTH will set us free. So help me God"

    Watch here:

    LuciousVBogeymanProd takes the Oath http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8CZbqehfM0

    TimKilgore takes the Oath http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzjK851aa3M

    CSTheApostate takes the Oath http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgV7twFUKLY

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