My wife got back from the meeting yesterday, and she couldn't believe the topic for the wt study "Speak Truth with your Neighbor". Anyway they were commenting and someone said that its ok to streach the truth if your talking to "wicked" people. But in paragraph 7 they said that if an elder asks you personal questions you have to cooperate and the truth so they can carry out their assigned duties. What a load of rubbish!!!
When my daughter got ds (she was 20 and had sex with her fiance and was riddled with guilt and went to the elders instead of me first) 3 elders ranging from 35 - 59 years old, talked and questioned her, the most intimate questions (she wouldn't tell me everything they asked as she was embarrassed). I was fuming and spoke to the elders and said, calmly why was she getting ds as she was showing repentance coming forward, otherwise they wouldn't of known anything. They said I didn't know the whole story. But I did and even showed them from their publications all about repentance, but they were out to get her so they did. Anyway I'm just letting off steam as when I saw that article I couldn't stop thinking of how blind I was for 35years and how hypocritical most of them are..