What real hope is to me - just a feel good post

by heybaby 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • heybaby

    It's amazing to me how much I've come to life since I've stopped going to meetings and field service and the whole tiresome JW routine. I find beauty and joy in the simple things. For example, we never used to sleep in on Saturday, because of course that was field service day. Now, my husband and I routinely sleep late on Saturdays and when we get up, we look out our kitchen window as we slowly sip our coffee. We have REAL conversations about things we are actually interested in!! It's fantastic!! I also appreciate people as being full of potential, not doomed to destruction like I thought before. Life is for living, that's what I say. So to all those who are struggling to find meaning in the non-JW world, it's out there!! Let go of all your preconceived ideas and embrace the beauty that is all around you!!

  • bluecanary

    I approve this message.

  • heybaby

    Thanks bluecanary! Nice to meet you

  • truthseekeriam

    I hear you, hey baby. I'm new to the whole thing myself and it is wonderful.

    The kids are loving just being kids, no dresses and suits on Sat/Sun just t-shirts and jeans. We can choose to do what ever we want with our weekends. Sometimes that means staying in our P.J's watching movies together.

    We miss some of the Friends but we'll find new ones.

  • heybaby

    Hi truthseekeriam! Nice to meet you


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