Secrets of the WatchTower is a website which tells the incredible history of WTS and it's founders, connecting dots like no othe resource.
I happened upon this site, but I have not had time to fully cover it yet. Has anyone else seen this site and is it as factaul as t appears to be? If so, every one of us needs to read it. I have always known there is something or someone above the WTS pulling the GB strings....and that there is a much deeper agenda going on behind the scenes. If anyone has seen this, please express your opinions, then I will form my own once I get time to ready the entire thing.
Some of the material contained in this article will be very difficult to digest, unless you are already leaning in the direction this subject is revolving around. I will ask you to bear with it and stretch your mind. Expand your minds. Make yourself open to something you may have otherise been told to never look at. We all know there is a reason for that, right? Now look, and tell me if you see something new.
I have respected the author of this material and can honestyly say the person that researched and wrote this did it through the sincerest of intent--to inform and enlighten the darkened mind.
Secrets of the WatchTower