Who really is Faithfull and Discreet Slave??? ME!

by Albert Einstein 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Well Iam serious...

    So called FDS in Brooklyn realized in 1996, that Alternative (military) service does not violate Bible principles...

    I knew it years before!

    So called FDS in Brooklyn realized in 1995, that "Generation" teaching is nonsense...

    I knew it years before!

    So called FDS in Brooklyn realized in early 2000, that Armageddon is not comming, and its time to downsize the Watchtower company ...

    I knew it years before!

    So called FDS in Brooklyn realized in 2002, that "blood issue" is not that strict ...

    I knew it years before!

    So called FDS in Brooklyn realized in 2008, that three meetings in a week is way too much...

    I knew it years before!

    Does that mean, that YHWH lets me know ahead what changes should be done?

    Do you also have the feeling, that when NEW LIGHT came, the question was clear to you time before?

    Could it be said, that actually all changes in the WT are just issues for long, long time discussed by apostates and rank-and-file JW.... ???

    So Apostates are faster in bringing NEW LIGHT than FDS???

    So "Who really is FDS???"


  • BorgHater

    You make an excellent point. The issues you mentioned are things my parents and i also figured out years before the GB changed their minds on them - ooh we must have the heavenly calling after all lol. Just proves how ludicrous the whole thing is!!

  • jeeprube

    What an amazing realization. Come to think of it, I am full of new light!

  • donny

    Does that mean, that YHWH lets me know ahead what changes should be done?

    No, it means you ran ahead of Jehovah!!!! You should have been more patient and waited on him.


  • NewYork44M

    The light keeps getting brighter. You are clearly the light.

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Donny, now I see its my fault ...

    I have several more ideas what should be done ... For example:

    • End of the ban on blood transfusions
    • End of shunning
    • Complete removal of 1914 teaching
    • Elders should apologize to all DF due to unscriptural reasons

    OK, OK, I will wait on Jehovah ...


  • Heaven

    Amazing! Not only that but you also came up with the theory of relativity. Is there no end to your awesomeness?!

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Yes Heaven!

    Iam absolutely the best! And especially - I am very modest person!

    Thats what I really like about myself!!!


  • teel

    Truth be told, this is what bothers me the most: the new light, and most changes are just too damn logical. There are a mountain of examples in the Bible where God has given direct teaching, and it was simply unexpected, noone would have thought of that - for example Moses telling people that instead of going around the Red Sea, go directly towards it. You can imagine just about all israelites were pretty surprised of this. But these changes in teachings and organization are expected changes, and perfectly logical from a human perspective - even if you didn't thought of it before it just makes perfect sense. The difference? The israelites needed faith to go towards the sea instead of going around it, and when they saw that it was the good choice, their faith increased. Changes based on logic need no faith, you just aknowledge that others came to the same logical conclusion. I think many of us think there will be a change in the teaching of 144.000 - the "annointed" number just keeps increasing, I bet the 2009 number will be around 11.000, and there's only so much they can do to cover up the fact that they are approaching that 144.000 just in modern times, so there's no place left for the apostoles . Or the fact that the annointed number took a huge jump after the teaching of 1935 was modified - but why? This is also too logical, and perfectly human reaction.

    By the way my first post, so hello everybody

  • Heaven

    Iam absolutely the best! And especially - I am very modest person!

    Too cool! I think more people should feel this good about themselves.

    teel... Welcome! I studied many years ago and had a lot of issues with interpretations and the flip flopping/new light smoke and mirrors. I just said "Whoa! I'm outta here."

    As to the FDS... I think we all are the FDS. We all help each other and that is what a faithful and discreet person does.

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