Well Iam serious...
So called FDS in Brooklyn realized in 1996, that Alternative (military) service does not violate Bible principles...
I knew it years before!
So called FDS in Brooklyn realized in 1995, that "Generation" teaching is nonsense...
I knew it years before!
So called FDS in Brooklyn realized in early 2000, that Armageddon is not comming, and its time to downsize the Watchtower company ...
I knew it years before!
So called FDS in Brooklyn realized in 2002, that "blood issue" is not that strict ...
I knew it years before!
So called FDS in Brooklyn realized in 2008, that three meetings in a week is way too much...
I knew it years before!
Does that mean, that YHWH lets me know ahead what changes should be done?
Do you also have the feeling, that when NEW LIGHT came, the question was clear to you time before?
Could it be said, that actually all changes in the WT are just issues for long, long time discussed by apostates and rank-and-file JW.... ???
So Apostates are faster in bringing NEW LIGHT than FDS???
So "Who really is FDS???"