I think of this as I reflect on my life. Why did I have to be born in this cult? I'm not alone in this regard, but you can't help but wonder. Why couldn't It have been Catholic, Protestant, Presbyterian, or any of the hundreths of other denominations? Oh what a frustrating and agonizing life!
Why Me??
by whathehadas 7 Replies latest jw experiences
Well, if it is of any help, many who joined it voluntarily are asking themselves just as vigorously - what was I thinking? Could I have really been that stupid?
Many like me who were dragged in by parents while underage are asking themselves - why didn't I immediately walk when I was 21???
The whole point is that you are out now and can get on with life.
Why you?
Cause you suck, but we love you anyways :)
Remeber, life isn't about the easy stuff we do, its about all the shots that life gives us that we take and yell back, "Is that all you got, cause all that did was turn me on Baby !!!".
Tired of the Hypocrisy
We all have to be born into something. At least you and I have seen the cult for what it is and are making tracks away from it. I feel bad for the poor saps around the globe who live their life and die in their own dung because they are blind all their life.
Why weren't you born into a third world country where you died of malnourishment before the age of ten?
As bluecanary so elequently and tenderly put it you could have been born in a worse situation.
Being raised as a dub has its drawbacks and it has damaged us to some degree, no doubt. But instead of wallowing in the misery of what was, acknowledge the past and learn from it and go forward determined to not let it keep you down any further.
Life is certainly not fair. Moreover, it's not your fault.
Please hang in there. You're not alone.
You will feel better. I promise you this. At the moment it hurts and you may feel very angry. But that is natural. I promise that you will come out of this stronger, more enlightened and in a position to help others. Just remember this will take time, so try to not get to frustrated.
Love and light &